74 reviews liked by 5sun

Its probably one of the more, forgettable resi games, but its still fun, and I enjoyed it, but as a remake, it felt short, and lifeless at times, still a good game, but not the 5 star experience resi 2 remake was.

how many damn versions are there on this site?

Me In the begging:
Awesome story, gameplay sucks.

Me, in the end of the game:
Awesome gameplay, story sucks.

Story is overindulgent, style over substance, no tension, no resemblance of pace, piece of cake. Constant high brow “sci-fi” name dropping without any substantial ideas behind them. As many Japanese games this one suffers of hyper formalism and over explaining everything and anything.

Cause it calls “DIRECTOR’s cut”, than I have to say that this director needs to get a good editor and stop put his name on everywhere. I swear, I read his name at least 8 times during the game.

As for the gameplay, obligatory delivering especially early in the game boring as fuck.

By the end when you have more tools it could be really calming and relaxing. Thanks to Decima engine: everything looks gorgeous. I made so many screenshots. It was a good way to meditate when I missed my meditation sessions.

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I thought people were joking when they called this Dark souls 2 2...

Can't believe Sony is still okay with whitewashing Kratos smh

The game is at its best when it is not Assassin's Creed.

First time playing the game and I really liked it, though the tools are kinda like useful just once, the gameplay is so nice, it's clearly the early stages of BOTW, and here we have one of the best Zelda's designs and story too.

Fine game. I enjoyed the addition of the hook blade but the notoriety system was stupid. You go to a shop and you're notorious, wtf. And some of the conditions to reach 100% synchronization were near impossible. I will miss Ezio though.

The culmination of Ezio's story was really well made, combining it with Altair's was an incredible idea, for me one of the best AC lorewise