(1-ALL 1CC) So much fun; beautiful and charming graphs and some fast tight shooting in a short package. Absolutely recommend!

Mixed bag: amazing art design and nice atmosphere bogged down by a half baked game with too much backtracking. If you could warp between shrines I would bump my rating a full star (the backtracking is that bad)

Nice art style and ok music that carries an extremely frustrating, outdated, and buggy gameplay experience. The few moments I was having fun or thought "hey, this is dope!" were quickly ruined by poor controls and horrible design choices. Hoping that JSR3 will take the best aspects from both games and make a truly perfect skating game.

Took me 25 hours and a 1cc to finally appreciate this game; forget the wacky plot and characters, this is the most technically deep Metal Slug game with lots of deep fights and mechanics

Sorry but I have to shelf this one for now and maybe come back to it in the future. Nothing I hate more than games that constantly hold your hand and barely even let you figure things out yourself. Shame since it has an amazing aesthetic and phenomenal artistry. Unfortunately fails as a game imo (but what do I know, anyway)

Really cool mechanics, visuals, and gameplay loop... wish I was smart enough to play it well enough....

Great art and some charming characters, but puzzles were really obtuse at times (the stupid funnel-dart puzzle) and I hate Rufus.

Clearly the ideas are there but:
- Exploration and worlds are boring
- Art makes me want to vomit (mod that removes portraits but I am still reminded of the fact that I am playing something made for gooning)
- Bosses take upwards of 10+ minutes and any attempt can go down the trash can in 3 hits

I'm too old to want to grind games like this. Life is so short and I would rather have a challenging game that provides more difficult sections in shorter segments like Super Meat Boy.

Besides some annoying missions that felt more like chores, amazing game with lots of charm, wit, and charisma

I would highly recommend this to people who want to get into RPGs; the RPG elements are very easy to understand and have a lot of depth to them. Final level kind of sucks but its not a huge deal. Flawed yet wonderful experience.

Whatever is compelling me to be obsessed with this game is black magic, for this game is the best damn Souls game in existence.