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75byte reviewed Bright Memory: Infinite
1. Gameplay

Bright Memory: Infinite combines first-person shooting with hack-and-slash mechanics, aiming for a fast-paced, adrenaline-filled experience. While the concept is intriguing, the execution falls short. Combat feels clunky and unrefined, with awkward transitions between shooting and melee attacks. Enemy AI is simplistic, leading to repetitive and unchallenging encounters. The game's mechanics promise depth but deliver a shallow and unsatisfying experience.

2. Graphics and Atmosphere

The game boasts impressive visuals, with detailed environments and realistic lighting effects. However, despite its graphical prowess, the game's world feels lifeless and lacks the immersive atmosphere needed to engage players fully. The environments, while visually stunning, are linear and offer little exploration or interaction, making the experience feel hollow.

3. Story

Bright Memory: Infinite's story is convoluted and poorly told. The narrative, involving ancient relics and supernatural phenomena, is confusing and hard to follow. Characters lack depth and development, making it difficult to care about the plot or its outcomes. The disjointed storytelling detracts from the overall experience, leaving players more perplexed than engaged.

4. Length and Value

The game is remarkably short, with the main campaign taking only a few hours to complete. For a full-priced game, this brevity feels unacceptable, offering little value for the money spent. The lack of meaningful content and replayability further diminishes its worth, making it hard to recommend.

5. Innovation

While Bright Memory: Infinite attempts to innovate by blending different gameplay styles, it ultimately fails to deliver a cohesive or enjoyable experience. The game's ambitious mix of genres could have been a strong point, but poor execution and lack of polish hinder its potential. The innovations feel half-baked and do not significantly enhance the gameplay.

6. Sound and Music

The sound design and music are mediocre at best. The soundtrack is forgettable and does little to elevate the gameplay or enhance the atmosphere. Sound effects are generic, and voice acting is subpar, lacking the emotion and intensity needed to bring the characters and story to life.


Bright Memory: Infinite is a game that promises much but delivers little. Despite its impressive visuals, the gameplay is clunky, the story is confusing, and the overall experience is disappointingly short. The lack of depth, polish, and content makes it hard to justify its price tag. While the game's ambition is commendable, its execution falls flat, earning it a lowly 1.5 out of 5 stars.

4 days ago

4 days ago

75byte completed Bright Memory

4 days ago

75byte reviewed Bright Memory
1. Gameplay

Bright Memory: Infinite combines first-person shooting with hack-and-slash mechanics, aiming for a fast-paced, adrenaline-filled experience. While the concept is intriguing, the execution falls short. Combat feels clunky and unrefined, with awkward transitions between shooting and melee attacks. Enemy AI is simplistic, leading to repetitive and unchallenging encounters. The game's mechanics promise depth but deliver a shallow and unsatisfying experience.

2. Graphics and Atmosphere

The game boasts impressive visuals, with detailed environments and realistic lighting effects. However, despite its graphical prowess, the game's world feels lifeless and lacks the immersive atmosphere needed to engage players fully. The environments, while visually stunning, are linear and offer little exploration or interaction, making the experience feel hollow.

3. Story

Bright Memory: Infinite's story is convoluted and poorly told. The narrative, involving ancient relics and supernatural phenomena, is confusing and hard to follow. Characters lack depth and development, making it difficult to care about the plot or its outcomes. The disjointed storytelling detracts from the overall experience, leaving players more perplexed than engaged.

4. Length and Value

The game is remarkably short, with the main campaign taking only a few hours to complete. For a full-priced game, this brevity feels unacceptable, offering little value for the money spent. The lack of meaningful content and replayability further diminishes its worth, making it hard to recommend.

5. Innovation

While Bright Memory: Infinite attempts to innovate by blending different gameplay styles, it ultimately fails to deliver a cohesive or enjoyable experience. The game's ambitious mix of genres could have been a strong point, but poor execution and lack of polish hinder its potential. The innovations feel half-baked and do not significantly enhance the gameplay.

6. Sound and Music

The sound design and music are mediocre at best. The soundtrack is forgettable and does little to elevate the gameplay or enhance the atmosphere. Sound effects are generic, and voice acting is subpar, lacking the emotion and intensity needed to bring the characters and story to life.


Bright Memory: Infinite is a game that promises much but delivers little. Despite its impressive visuals, the gameplay is clunky, the story is confusing, and the overall experience is disappointingly short. The lack of depth, polish, and content makes it hard to justify its price tag. While the game's ambition is commendable, its execution falls flat, earning it a lowly 1.5 out of 5 stars.

4 days ago

75byte completed Minecraft

1. Gameplay

Minecraft's core gameplay remains as engaging and innovative as ever. The game's sandbox nature allows for endless creativity and exploration, providing players with a unique and immersive experience. Building, mining, crafting, and surviving in an infinite blocky world continues to be a captivating formula that appeals to a wide range of players.

2. Graphics and Atmosphere

The iconic blocky graphics of Minecraft have become a beloved hallmark of the game. Despite their simplicity, the visuals create a charming and nostalgic atmosphere that many players appreciate. The aesthetic perfectly complements the game's open-ended, creative nature, allowing players to focus on their creations rather than hyper-realistic graphics.

3. Innovation

Minecraft was groundbreaking at its inception, introducing a new genre of sandbox games that inspired countless other titles. The game's constant updates and new features have kept it relevant and exciting over the years. However, since its acquisition by Microsoft, some of these additions have been met with mixed reactions from the community.

4. Changes After Microsoft Acquisition

Since Microsoft acquired Minecraft, the game has seen a significant number of updates and new features. While some of these additions have enhanced the gameplay experience, others have been criticized for deviating from the original vision of the game. The introduction of microtransactions, new mechanics, and certain features has led some players to feel that the game has become more commercialized, losing some of its original charm and simplicity.

5. Community and Mods

One of Minecraft's greatest strengths is its vibrant and active community. The game's modding scene is particularly noteworthy, with countless mods that add new dimensions, mechanics, and features to the game. This community-driven content has kept Minecraft fresh and exciting, allowing players to tailor their experience to their preferences.

6. Length and Value

Minecraft offers immense value with its endless replayability. The game's procedural generation and open-ended nature ensure that no two playthroughs are the same. Whether you're a builder, explorer, or adventurer, Minecraft provides countless hours of entertainment and creativity.

7. Sound and Music

The sound design and music in Minecraft are iconic and memorable. The soothing, ambient soundtrack composed by C418 perfectly complements the game's relaxed and meditative gameplay. The simple sound effects, from the chirping of animals to the crunch of breaking blocks, enhance the immersive experience.


Minecraft remains a phenomenal game that continues to captivate millions of players around the world. Its core gameplay and creative freedom are unmatched, making it a timeless classic. However, the changes introduced after Microsoft's acquisition have somewhat diluted the original charm and simplicity that made Minecraft special. Despite these concerns, Minecraft still offers an incredible and expansive experience, earning it a solid 4 out of 5 stars.

4 days ago

75byte completed Minecraft
### Minecraft Review - 4/5 Stars

1. Gameplay

Minecraft's core gameplay remains as engaging and innovative as ever. The game's sandbox nature allows for endless creativity and exploration, providing players with a unique and immersive experience. Building, mining, crafting, and surviving in an infinite blocky world continues to be a captivating formula that appeals to a wide range of players.

2. Graphics and Atmosphere

The iconic blocky graphics of Minecraft have become a beloved hallmark of the game. Despite their simplicity, the visuals create a charming and nostalgic atmosphere that many players appreciate. The aesthetic perfectly complements the game's open-ended, creative nature, allowing players to focus on their creations rather than hyper-realistic graphics.

3. Innovation

Minecraft was groundbreaking at its inception, introducing a new genre of sandbox games that inspired countless other titles. The game's constant updates and new features have kept it relevant and exciting over the years. However, since its acquisition by Microsoft, some of these additions have been met with mixed reactions from the community.

4. Changes After Microsoft Acquisition

Since Microsoft acquired Minecraft, the game has seen a significant number of updates and new features. While some of these additions have enhanced the gameplay experience, others have been criticized for deviating from the original vision of the game. The introduction of microtransactions, new mechanics, and certain features has led some players to feel that the game has become more commercialized, losing some of its original charm and simplicity.

5. Community and Mods

One of Minecraft's greatest strengths is its vibrant and active community. The game's modding scene is particularly noteworthy, with countless mods that add new dimensions, mechanics, and features to the game. This community-driven content has kept Minecraft fresh and exciting, allowing players to tailor their experience to their preferences.

6. Length and Value

Minecraft offers immense value with its endless replayability. The game's procedural generation and open-ended nature ensure that no two playthroughs are the same. Whether you're a builder, explorer, or adventurer, Minecraft provides countless hours of entertainment and creativity.

7. Sound and Music

The sound design and music in Minecraft are iconic and memorable. The soothing, ambient soundtrack composed by C418 perfectly complements the game's relaxed and meditative gameplay. The simple sound effects, from the chirping of animals to the crunch of breaking blocks, enhance the immersive experience.


Minecraft remains a phenomenal game that continues to captivate millions of players around the world. Its core gameplay and creative freedom are unmatched, making it a timeless classic. However, the changes introduced after Microsoft's acquisition have somewhat diluted the original charm and simplicity that made Minecraft special. Despite these concerns, Minecraft still offers an incredible and expansive experience, earning it a solid 4 out of 5 stars.

4 days ago

75byte completed Minecraft

4 days ago

75byte completed Crysis 3
1. Gameplay

Crysis 3 attempts to blend the open-world exploration of the first game with the more linear structure of the second. The result is a mix that doesn’t quite achieve the balance needed to keep gameplay consistently engaging. While the Nanosuit abilities are still a highlight, offering a range of tactical options, the gameplay can feel repetitive and uninspired. The addition of the Predator Bow adds a fun element, but overall, the combat and mission design lack freshness.

2. Graphics and Atmosphere

Crysis 3 is visually stunning, with its CryEngine 3-powered graphics delivering detailed environments and impressive effects. The overgrown, urban jungle setting is atmospheric and beautifully rendered, showcasing the series' trademark graphical prowess. However, excellent graphics alone can't carry the game, and the lush visuals sometimes mask the underlying lack of depth in the gameplay and story.

3. Story

The story in Crysis 3 picks up where its predecessor left off, but it struggles to make a strong impact. The narrative, revolving around Prophet's quest for revenge and the battle against the Ceph and CELL Corporation, feels disjointed and lacks emotional depth. The characters are not particularly memorable, and the plot fails to engage on a meaningful level. It feels more like a backdrop for the action than a compelling narrative in its own right.

4. Length and Value

Crysis 3’s campaign is relatively short, clocking in at around 6-8 hours. For a full-priced game, this length feels insufficient, especially given the limited replayability. While there are collectibles and different approaches to combat, these elements do not add significant longevity. The multiplayer mode offers some additional content, but it fails to stand out in a crowded market of online shooters.

5. Innovation

While Crysis 3 introduces some new weapons and mechanics, it largely relies on the formula established by its predecessors. The game’s innovations, such as the Predator Bow and enhanced Nanosuit abilities, are welcome additions but do not significantly evolve the gameplay. The series' hallmark of blending stealth, action, and environmental interaction remains, but it feels less revolutionary than it did in previous entries.

6. Sound and Music

The sound design and music in Crysis 3 are competent but not extraordinary. The game's audio effects are realistic and contribute to the immersive atmosphere. The soundtrack, composed by Borislav Slavov, Tilman Sillescu, and Hans Zimmer, complements the action but lacks standout tracks. Voice acting is adequate but does not elevate the characters or story.


Crysis 3 delivers on visual spectacle but falls short in several key areas. Its gameplay is solid but lacks innovation, and the story fails to leave a lasting impression. The short campaign and limited replayability diminish its overall value. While fans of the series might appreciate the continuation of Prophet’s journey and the stunning graphics, Crysis 3 ultimately feels like a missed opportunity. It earns a middling 2.5 out of 5 stars for providing a decent but ultimately unremarkable experience.

4 days ago

75byte completed Crysis

1. Gameplay

Crysis offers a solid first-person shooter experience with its innovative Nanosuit mechanics, allowing players to choose between speed, strength, armor, and cloaking abilities. These options provide a unique approach to combat and exploration, making the gameplay engaging. However, the game can sometimes feel repetitive, with missions that don't always fully utilize the Nanosuit's potential.

2. Graphics and Atmosphere

At the time of its release, Crysis was a graphical powerhouse, setting new standards for visual fidelity in gaming. The lush, tropical environments and detailed character models are stunning. Despite this, the game's demanding hardware requirements mean that only those with high-end systems can fully appreciate its visuals. Over time, some aspects of the graphics have aged, but they still hold up reasonably well.

3. Story

The story of Crysis is a typical sci-fi narrative, involving a North Korean archipelago, alien technology, and a military rescue mission gone awry. While it provides a decent backdrop for the action, it lacks depth and memorable characters. The plot is serviceable but doesn't stand out in the crowded shooter genre.

4. Length and Value

Crysis offers a campaign that can be completed in about 10-12 hours, depending on the player's approach. This is a reasonable length for a single-player shooter, but the lack of replayability beyond trying different tactics with the Nanosuit slightly diminishes its value. The game does offer multiplayer modes, but they are not as compelling or populated as other titles in the genre.

5. Innovation

Crysis is notable for its Nanosuit mechanics and cutting-edge graphics. These innovations set it apart from other shooters of its time and contributed to its reputation as a benchmark for PC gaming. However, the core gameplay and mission design don't always make the most of these innovations, sometimes falling back on familiar shooter tropes.

6. Sound and Music

The sound design in Crysis is competent, with realistic weapon sounds and environmental effects that enhance immersion. The music, while fitting for the game's tone, is not particularly memorable. Voice acting is adequate but lacks standout performances.


Crysis (2007) is a technically impressive game with innovative mechanics and stunning visuals that set a high bar for its time. However, its story, gameplay variety, and replayability leave something to be desired. While it's certainly a good game, it's not without its flaws. Overall, Crysis earns a respectable 3 out of 5 stars for delivering a solid but imperfect experience.

4 days ago

75byte completed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III
1. Gameplay

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 attempts to deliver the high-octane action the series is known for. However, the gameplay feels stale and uninspired, with recycled mechanics and a lack of innovation. The experience quickly becomes monotonous.

2. Graphics and Atmosphere

The graphics are decent but not groundbreaking. The game's visual presentation fails to impress, especially when compared to other recent titles. The atmosphere is generic and lacks the immersive quality that previous entries in the series managed to capture.

3. Story

The story is lackluster and poorly executed. It feels rushed and disconnected, failing to engage the player or provide a memorable experience. The narrative is clichéd and offers nothing new or exciting.

4. Length and Value

One of the biggest criticisms of Modern Warfare 3 is its shockingly short campaign. The main story can be completed in just a few hours, making it feel like a cash grab rather than a fully-fledged game. For the price, the content offered is severely lacking.

5. Innovation

There is little to no innovation in Modern Warfare 3. The game heavily relies on old formulas without introducing anything new or exciting. It feels like a rehash of previous games rather than a fresh, standalone entry.

6. Multiplayer

The multiplayer mode is standard but plagued with issues such as unbalanced gameplay and frequent bugs. While it might offer some fun for a short while, it doesn't provide enough depth or variety to keep players engaged long-term.

7. Sound and Music

The sound effects and music are adequate but not exceptional. They do little to elevate the overall experience, and at times, the audio can even feel repetitive and uninspired.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is a disappointing entry in the series. The game is short, uninspired, and feels like a blatant cash grab. Its lack of innovation, coupled with a rushed and forgettable story, makes it difficult to recommend. Overall, it fails to live up to the standards set by its predecessors and leaves much to be desired.

4 days ago

75byte completed Ghostrunner
### Ghostrunner Game Review

1. Gameplay

Ghostrunner is a fast-paced action-platformer. Players navigate a world that requires quick reflexes and sharp platforming skills. While the gameplay is engaging, some sections can feel repetitive and unnecessarily challenging.

2. Graphics and Atmosphere

The game is set in a cyberpunk-themed world and is visually impressive. Neon lights and dark, dystopian cityscapes enhance the game's atmosphere. However, the graphics and atmosphere are not enough to cover the game's other shortcomings.

3. Story

The story follows a cyborg assassin trying to reach the top of a mega-structure. While the story contributes to the overall atmosphere, it is not deep or complex and remains quite superficial. It serves its purpose but isn't particularly memorable.

4. Difficulty Level

Ghostrunner is not a particularly difficult game. It offers a fast-paced action and parkour experience without overly taxing the player. However, some sections can feel repetitive and monotonous over time.

5. Innovation

The game introduces innovative parkour and combat mechanics. However, these mechanics can start to feel repetitive, and the sense of novelty may wear off quickly.

6. Replayability

The game seems to have high replayability due to its varied gameplay mechanics. However, having to play the same sections repeatedly can become tedious for some players.

7. Sound and Music

Unfortunately, the game's sound effects and music fall short of completing the atmosphere. The electronic music and sound effects, while aiming to support the cyberpunk world, end up dragging down the overall quality of the game.


Ghostrunner is not a perfect game, but it is a decent option for passing the time. While the gameplay dynamics keep it engaging, the music and repetitive nature can be disappointing for some players. Its non-challenging nature and impressive atmosphere might appeal to fans of fast-paced action and parkour games, but overall, the game's quality falls short of being truly satisfying.

5 days ago

75byte completed Infamous: Second Son
"InFamous: Second Son" is an action-adventure game developed by Sucker Punch Productions and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. Released as a PlayStation 4 exclusive, it continues the acclaimed "InFamous" series with a new protagonist and enhanced gameplay mechanics.

### 1. Story and Characters
The game follows Delsin Rowe, a young graffiti artist living in a dystopian version of Seattle where certain individuals possess superhuman abilities. After a confrontation exposes him to new powers, Delsin embarks on a journey to confront the oppressive Department of Unified Protection (DUP). Throughout the narrative, players navigate moral choices that impact Delsin's evolution as a hero or anti-hero, shaping the story's outcome and relationships with other characters.

### 2. Visuals and Graphics
"Second Son" showcases the power of the PlayStation 4 hardware with stunning graphics and detailed environments. Seattle is brought to life with realistic weather effects, dynamic lighting, and intricate character animations. Each district of the city reflects a unique atmosphere, enhancing immersion and exploration.

### 3. Sound Design and Music
The game's sound design immerses players in its urban setting, blending environmental sounds with dynamic audio cues during combat and exploration. The soundtrack, composed by Marc Canham, Nathan Johnson, and Brain, complements the gameplay with a mix of electronic, orchestral, and ambient tracks that heighten emotional moments and action sequences.

### 4. Gameplay Mechanics
Gameplay in "Second Son" revolves around Delsin's ability to absorb and utilize different elemental powers, including smoke, neon, and concrete. Each power set offers distinct combat abilities and traversal options, allowing players to approach encounters in multiple ways. The open-world structure encourages exploration and side activities, such as freeing districts from DUP control and uncovering hidden collectibles.

### 5. Reception and Legacy
"InFamous: Second Son" received positive reviews for its engaging storyline, responsive controls, and technical achievements. It expanded upon the series' formula with refined gameplay mechanics and a vibrant depiction of superhuman abilities in an urban environment. While critics highlighted its narrative choices and character development, fans appreciated its replayability and the freedom to shape Delsin's journey based on moral decisions.

Overall, "InFamous: Second Son" remains a standout title in the action-adventure genre, offering an immersive experience filled with superhero elements, moral dilemmas, and thrilling gameplay that captivates players from start to finish.

5 days ago

75byte completed God of War

### 1. Story and Characters
"God of War" is an action-adventure game developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Set in the world of Norse mythology, the game follows the journey of Kratos, a former Greek god of war, who embarks on a quest with his son Atreus after the death of Atreus' mother. Their mission is to fulfill her last wish by scattering her ashes from the highest peak of the nine realms, Jötunheim.

Kratos' troubled past, his struggles with divine powers, and his complex relationship with Atreus form the heart of the narrative. Atreus' growth from a curious but inexperienced companion into a capable warrior who learns about his own divine heritage adds emotional depth. The story involves encounters with various Norse gods and mythical creatures, each impacting Kratos and Atreus in different ways.

### 2. Visuals and Graphics
Visually, "God of War" sets a new standard on the PlayStation 4 platform with its breathtaking graphics and attention to detail. From lush forests to towering mountains and intricate mythical realms like Alfheim and Helheim, each environment is meticulously crafted. Character models, animations, and facial expressions are incredibly lifelike, enhancing immersion and emotional impact during key story moments.

### 3. Sound Design and Music
The game's sound design is masterfully executed, complementing its visual grandeur. Dynamic sound effects bring combat and environmental interactions to life, while subtle ambient sounds contribute to the immersive experience. The musical score, composed by Bear McCreary, blends Norse-inspired themes with epic orchestral arrangements, perfectly capturing the tone of each gameplay and narrative beat.

### 4. Gameplay Mechanics
Gameplay in "God of War" seamlessly blends exploration, puzzle-solving, and visceral combat. Players control Kratos using his iconic Leviathan Axe and shield, supplemented by Atreus' archery skills. Combat is strategic, requiring players to master a variety of attacks, dodges, and parries against challenging enemies. Progression involves upgrading weapons, unlocking new abilities, and solving environmental puzzles that often require collaboration between Kratos and Atreus.

### 5. Overall Assessment
"God of War" stands as a monumental achievement in gaming, marrying rich storytelling, stunning visuals, and engaging gameplay into an unforgettable experience. Kratos' journey of redemption and paternal growth, combined with Norse mythology's rich lore, delivers a deeply immersive narrative. Technologically impressive graphics, immersive sound design, and robust gameplay mechanics make it a standout title for both action-adventure enthusiasts and those drawn to compelling narratives.

5 days ago

75byte completed Pumpkin Jack
"Pumpkin Jack" is a platform adventure game that immerses players into a dark and magical world. The game stands out for its enchanting atmosphere and detailed graphics. The story revolves around a village cursed by an evil wizard, and players take on the role of Jack to lift this curse.

While initially resembling a classic platformer, "Pumpkin Jack" offers a unique experience through its content and gameplay mechanics. The gameplay is smooth, with balanced difficulty levels. Puzzles encountered throughout different levels challenge players' thinking while keeping them entertained. These puzzles often require interaction with environmental elements, adding depth to the game.

Graphics are one of the strongest aspects of "Pumpkin Jack." The game's artistic direction perfectly captures its dark and gothic themes. Character designs and environmental details make players feel truly immersed in this magical world. Additionally, lighting and shadow effects enhance the atmosphere significantly.

Sound design complements the game's atmosphere effectively. The music, selected to match each level perfectly, supports the game's overall dark tone. Sound effects during combat and interactions with the environment add realism. Especially, the sounds accompanying Jack's various actions enhance the gameplay experience.

Storytelling is another highlight of the game. The main character, Jack, wins players over with his witty and humorous dialogues. Other characters encountered throughout the game have intriguing and diverse personalities, enriching the storyline. Moreover, revelations and twists as the story progresses keep players curious and engaged.

Gameplay mechanics are diverse. Jack gains different abilities as the game progresses, empowering him against various enemies and obstacles. These abilities require strategic thinking from players and deepen the gameplay experience. Furthermore, collectibles and power-ups found throughout the game add further depth to the gameplay.

Overall, "Pumpkin Jack" offers a rich, enjoyable, and thought-provoking gaming experience both visually and auditorily. The game blends classic platformer elements with modern graphics and creative gameplay mechanics, evoking both nostalgia and innovation. Suitable for players of all ages who enjoy adventure and puzzle-solving, this game stands out as a must-play title.

5 days ago

75byte completed Black Mesa
1. Waiting Time:
For years I couldn't prepare myself to play and I didn't continue because I was bored and always stayed in the same places that I said to start 2-3 times. I finally had the opportunity to play the Black Mesa game and I played it. I wish I had entered the half-life universe earlier, I didn't know that there was so much I missed and so when I finished the game inside me.
-why didn't I start early, look at the game!

2. Visual and Technical Quality:
The visual and technical quality of the game definitely met my expectations. However, we can see that these features still need to be improved in some places, but I have to say that I think it has really good visuals.

3. Delayed Exploration and Regret:
I feel like I should have discovered Black Mesa sooner. I decided to give it a try at the insistence of friends, but I should have done it sooner. The atmosphere and the storyline added to the slight regret of being a late discovery.

4. Entering the Half-Life Universe Early:
I would have been able to appreciate the Black Mesa experience more if I'd dived into the magic of the Half-Life universe earlier. This game opened a door for me to dive deeper into the universe, and I felt that I lacked the advantage of having opened that door earlier.

All in all, Black Mesa impressed and delighted me in many ways, but there is also a sense of regret from the long wait and late discovery. I should have enjoyed this game sooner, and I should have entered the Half-Life universe sooner. It's an overdue pleasure, but I can say that it gave me a lot of satisfaction.

5 days ago

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