Made me physically ill. It's unfortunate, I love the other Danganronpa games, but I would never recommend this one to anyone.

This game is too big for it's own good. There are some great quests, places, and moments to be found...IF you can find them. The lack of tutorials or explanations really hinder the experience. The map and the UI also leaves a lot to be desired. That being said, I did have fun with this game, just not as much fun as I wish I could have.

I've never played a roguelike game before, but this DLC has made me see the appeal! I'm having a great time replaying with different pallettes. The atmosphere and music are top notch and the story is fun, though I will admit I wish there was more to it. More bosses would also be great, even just one.

I've been playing this game nearly all my life... I finally beat it for the first time ever today. The controls are just as janky as I remember, and the stages just as unique and beautiful. Love this game.