This game is actually devastatingly bad and not just the worst Sonic game, but also one of the worst games I've ever played.

This was fun despite Pink Gold Peach. But get the Deluxe version instead. Thank me later.

Fuck you Bungie

Edit: I take that back because I have been having some fun with the game recently but still they locked the campaign behind dlc

Game is terrible but this one has a Persona 5 costume so it gets 0.5 higher than normal Forces.

Steve getting in the game is so insane. I never thought I'd see this day come.

This score is totally not based on nostalgia.

Pointless and janky but I remember it being fun for a time of my life, but much like other online games like Fortnite, I stopped playing it because I got bored.

edit: minus full star for how it exploits children

What can I say that hasn't been said? This is the game that revolutionized FPSes, but made the whole franchise go to shit.

A soul for a soul.

I remembered my brother and I would actually compete over who could go longer, he'd always.

If the fact Magikarp got an entire game dedicated to him isn't proof he's the most powerful Pokemon, I don't know what is.

this game actually stinks the gameplay sucks and is too easy and it’s bootleg splatoon

also nintendo referenced eminem kek

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a great follow up to the first game, even if it can’t reach the heights of the original.

The gameplay is improved from the first one. There are no more of those stupid stealth sections, and the only stealth is in some of the combat. Speaking of the combat, it’s much more fun in this game. The addition of venom and new enemy variety make the combat better. However, the story is slightly worse. The 2018 game had a really great story with great characters, however while Miles Morales is worse in that department, it still has a good story. The 2 villains are pretty good, and the structure is different and similar to the original at the same time.

Also, it still makes you feel like Spider-Man and you also feel the exaggerated swagger of a black teen (sorry, I had to.)

But now I have a fairly big complaint, the length. The original is medium length at around 20 hours whereas this game is pretty goddamn short at only 7 hours.

But the Into the Spider-Verse suit is enough to make me forgive that.

Overall, even if you didn’t play the original or you enjoyed it, I’d recommend this game. But if you weren’t too big on it, let alone fucking hated it, I’d say give this one a pass.

You can actually play as a Luma.


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Cry like a baby over Ghost and Roach’s deaths; now in 4K.