it's like if MGS3 had VR missions
apparently not canon or something

did not expect it to go the direction it did, but it was still a fun time

Difficulty raised, bosses more bullshit
1000 more dead prinnies
(please play the Asagi Wars mode, it's a crime that it's hidden.)

鬼神 Kill Em All 1989
I am prinny dood

definitely the more memorable one
smoother controllers and mechanics
better music and voice acting
still a bit buggy, but good time

glitchy with flawed mechanics, but beyond that, it's a decent time

feels like more of the first game, was a fun time
I feel like the prison was a better setting, however

Feels like a 1.5 instead of a sequel.
I did enjoy the improvements of the pawn system, but the plague didn't need to be a thing.
While some classes were improved feel great to play, others feel slow and unbalanced. Melee combat no longer has auto-snapping and feels a bit sloppy now. Ragdoll physics introduce bugginess and weird fights.
This was their chance to improve their archaic systems and mechanics, but all they did was port the game to a new engine. Ferrystones and Portcrystals are still the fastest way to travel if you don't use an ox cart to a major city. (And Capcom has the nerve to charge real money for them.) No mounts or any type of climbing tools. Mostly same premise and story with a weaker ending/antagonist. Post game is cool, but when the game ended, I was extremely disappointed with how short the main quest was. Nothing felt earned like the first game.
May return to it when the expansion drops, but I have no interest in touching this game again.

It's a miracle this game even exists.
Controlling more than FOUR characters is nutty. The combat system was fun as hell. Even better music and is double as long the first.
It has a bit of padding and pacing issues, but I'm just glad it's out and everyone got closure.

I originally dropped the game, but came back to start and play to finish.
Had a fun time, although it felt unfinished at times. I hope Itsuno's vision is compete in 2.

Improves on Y7's gameplay while bringing tons of new content for you to play on the side. Amazing OST and tons of effort was obviously put into this latest game of my favorite series.
However, the story in this game is unforgivable. Questionable decisions were made regarding the plot and established characters. The last half of the game seems sloppy. Did they get new writers?
Even with worse gameplay, I think Like a Dragon (Yakuza 7), is the better game.