one star goes to the OST, the other is 'cause i got to bully bird again

I want to congratulate Atlus (and most likely the third world studio they hired to make this garbage IN UNITY) on what's possibly one of the worst experiences I've had with PC gaming in the past few years.

-The pause button doesn't work for some reason (literally have to alt-tab just to pause)
-You can't access config settings in-game.
-Player movement gets absolutely fucked when playing with over 60fps.
-Have to restart my PC after each time I close the game because otherwise it wont launch (which I think it's related to having multiple monitors and the game always wanting to try and launch on the third when it's set to launch on the first one).
-Config settings aren't applied when you launch the game so you have to wait for the save file to be loaded.
-You can't bind shift to the run button, for some reason the default is 1 and select if you are using a controller.
-Controller keeps pressing up even if I'm not even touching it when using bluetooth (tried with 2 different controllers).
-Controller almost works when hardwired BUT for some reason I can't move the character forward and the camera to the sides at the same time.
-Random stutters.
-As far as I'm aware there's not even an option to close the game other than alt-f4, pressing escape literally just resets the camera position.

It's so bad there's no way it wasn't on purpose, if anyone is wondering; I'm running the MS store version, though I doubt that's even relevant considering the game is also garbage on consoles from what I have seen.

Only reason I even bothered with this pos was because it was added to game pass, my heart goes out to anyone that paid more than a dollar for it.

just your average 3deep5u indie

is it too much to ask that my beloved emotionless hata no kokoro be added to one of the regular mainline games?

Quit around 40 hours in, i really really tried to get into xenoblade but i dont understand the appeal at all.

The story feels uninspired, generic and afraid of getting into darker topics for god knows what reason (maybe nintendo knowing its aimed to manchildren? idk)

The world design is as bland as it gets, its just your usual wannabe open world with collectible trash thrown on top just to appease people with adhd ig

Now for the characters... I couldnt find any of them interesting and it doesnt help that the game just throws flashbacks randomly at you throughout different points of the story so you can empathise with them, its a really off-putting choice that just makes me not care for any of them but ig that's what happens when you cant find talented people to write a seamless and cohesive story

Music is mid and the english voice acting is awful, whats really trashy about this is that the subtitles for the script are based off the english version which deviates a bit from the jp.

Technically speaking its also really bad, mostly due to the switch's dated hardware, they clearly use some sort of reconstruction method to clear the image from a 540p resolution which looks almost passable when the camera isnt moving but when it is moving oh boy is it awful.
LOD popping is also a distracting thing but i didnt mind it that much considering how blurry the image was.
Framerate is also quite unstable when battling.

Gameplay is fine ig, nothing out of the ordinary and quite exploitable.

would have had more potential if it wasnt for the incessant awful fights
feels like a trashy shounen anime with a bit of a story thrown on top

absolute masterpiece.

10/10 would die for Aki

neat overall, doesnt excel at anything.
there's been smt games with better gameplay, better dungeons (even if the exploration is probably the highlight) and definitely better story/cast.

Mask of the Lunar Eclipse is a game about overcoming one's past, the importance of oneself, what constitutes the self and identity; all inside a classic Zero story involving rituals and traditions.

While not one of the most accomplished remasters out there (especially for the price) it still brings new life to this lovely game, thankfully the days of meddling with the old fan patch and its questionable translation are now behind us.
The new models look amazing although its a shame the same amount of care wasn't put into all of them.
The new blueish colour hue surrounding its environments feels a lot more consistent with the theme of the moon and probably for the first time in my life playing games I've thoroughly enjoyed how they applied a granular filter of sorts so that it wouldn't lose its original vibe.

Words alone can't really describe how happy I am that this game is finally free from the curse that is the Wii.
Hopefully if this does well we get a new entry in the series, fingers crossed its more akin to 2 and 4 rather than the disaster that was 5.

Is this a game I'd recommend to anyone?
No, this is a game for Zero fans first and foremost and people that love good old 2000s J-horror and the inherent clunkiness that comes with most of them.