this is the srpg ive been looking for my entire life

Mask of the Lunar Eclipse is a game about overcoming one's past, the importance of oneself, what constitutes the self and identity; all inside a classic Zero story involving rituals and traditions.

While not one of the most accomplished remasters out there (especially for the price) it still brings new life to this lovely game, thankfully the days of meddling with the old fan patch and its questionable translation are now behind us.
The new models look amazing although its a shame the same amount of care wasn't put into all of them.
The new blueish colour hue surrounding its environments feels a lot more consistent with the theme of the moon and probably for the first time in my life playing games I've thoroughly enjoyed how they applied a granular filter of sorts so that it wouldn't lose its original vibe.

Words alone can't really describe how happy I am that this game is finally free from the curse that is the Wii.
Hopefully if this does well we get a new entry in the series, fingers crossed its more akin to 2 and 4 rather than the disaster that was 5.

Is this a game I'd recommend to anyone?
No, this is a game for Zero fans first and foremost and people that love good old 2000s J-horror and the inherent clunkiness that comes with most of them.

other than the mystery sections being a little bs and some translation errors/typos here and there it's quite a comfy experience, would recommend to fans of SoL and yuri.

This is one of those games that I don't feel like reviewing as I see it more like an experience I'll never forget rather than a game.

I'll just say this: it is unique, it is as fantastical as it is mundane and I don't think it will get the attention of many people but those it does, it will stay with them forever.

didnt age well, awful design choices towards the second half of the game

neat overall, doesnt excel at anything.
there's been smt games with better gameplay, better dungeons (even if the exploration is probably the highlight) and definitely better story/cast.

they really didnt do my favourite cast in all of gaming history justice with this game.
its just fanservice with a bit of story at the end that is pretty much the same as robotics;notes.
also had multiple glitches happen throughout the playthrough, including Misa's model stuck t-posing throughout all of it.

Another banger entry, after two games of buildup watching the oh-so perfect, strong and idolised Yuzuriha-senpai from the other protagonists/characters POV, it felt great to see what truly lies behind the masquerade.
For the first time in the series they finally decided to tackle the subject of homosexuality and faith more head on which was cool.

I've been thinking about this game for the last few days after beating it and the only thing i can say is that its just magical.
While not the most complex story out there, its characters, sound design, music, voice acting and presentation are insane and when you combine all those aspects together you get something that quite frankly i havent experienced before in the vn genre.
By far type-moon's best work and its not even a competition, give it a try even if you are one those normies that cant stand reading.

the law of balance prohibits me from commenting

i dont mind the shock value and shit but the writing is just fucking awful

shit felt like watching a shittier and more degenerate version of squid game without an ounce of cohesive or interesting dialogue

i suddenly remembered playing this piece of shit some years ago and decided to check what is up with supermassive games after all that time.
to my surprise, they are still on the business of making shitty movie horror games.

stay as far away from this mediocre company as possible and western horror entertainment in general, instead save your money for Project Zero - Mask of the Lunar Eclipse coming March 8th 2023 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, GayStation 4/5, Nintendo Shitch and Steam.


For real tho i loved her witty, sarcastic and teasing attitude, seeing things from her point of view was at least for me way more relatable and entertaining than with Suou.
How they managed the dynamic between her and Chidori was great and the mystery sections while a lot simpler this time around, were a lot better.

Its the same game again with barely any changes and persona 5-fied, its a shame 'cause both tartarus and how the game is structured to make you advance on full moons is just plain annoying and obsolete.

The hardest difficulty just makes enemies become damage sponges for no reason whatsoever.

Let's also not forget that its denuvo ridden as well.

Thank you Microsoft for the free game pass trial, god knows I'd not spend a single dime on this garbage.