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Well, I was going to play this game. I got stuck trying to find where the fucking prince went after he gave me the book. I spent an hour trying to find him and NOTHING gave me any information about where he should be. The recap info didn't tell me, npcs didn't tell me. Quite honestly, one of the most frustrating things I've done in a game recently. I know its a ps1 game and man does it feel like it with not being able to tell where the fuck to go or do. I should've just started with 8 like everyone said. The game is 80+ hours long and I spent the first hour aimlessly wandering because I didn't pay enough attention to remember during the cutscene where the prince said where he was going, IF he even said it at all. This issue could be solved with a guide, or I could just play a game that doesn't require a guide. First impressions are important and this was one of the worst first impressions a game had put me through.