75 reviews liked by APairofTimbs

Imma just say im a asshole before i start so like yeah this game got me into final fantasy and also simultaneously made me not consider myself a fan nor associate with them cus I genuinely dont understand how you play this game and 1 complain and say how you prefer the old turn based more too this shit like I get opinions and shit but imma be that guy and say thats fucking stupid and if genuinely believe the franchise is better off sticking to the same old shit atb system that lets be honest never even felt good to begin with is insane to me man I don't understand well I kinda do since now I know they hate anything not related to seven but still i can't comprehend it man I hate people final fantasy fans deserve less genuinely I have the same problem with them as I do with fnaf fans but I'm starting to sound retarded so imma stop hating now anyway the actual game imma start off with the shit i dont like uhh I dont like how theres only 1 alternative costume for the squad uhh I hate how slow it is to navigate everything and those fuckass chochbos or however you spell that doesn't really help it like doesn't take long to like call and hop on em but still like does ion know how to explain maybe I'm just autistic uhh the sidequests are kinda mid and slow especially if you don't really fw the characters or story but like I do heavy so it was never really a problem for me and I just kinda accepted that and I personally looked at it as slow in a good way since the main missions and especially the eikons more than make up how boring the sidequests but they lowkey kinda made the other missions kinda better because of that like everything else felt more like treat for suffering through helping gordick help pooplop with his dishes so yeah I'm not including the hunt tho they were great (if you had a YouTube guide like deadass how tf you supposed to find any of those) and uh I wish Dion had more scenes ig I like him he's my fav character and yes its because hes gay fuck you and yeah that's bout it other than the fact that the game runs like ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT LIKE CONSISTENTLY OTS CRAZY but like searched it up and apparently my ps5 dusty so uhh 😐 anyway yeah I love everything else in this game like deadass got me back into games and made me view games as art again like all Imma say is "titan lost" like holy fuck man if I could like eat a video game sequence it would be that and lowkey replaying the game I like bahumet just as much if not more like my first playthrough forever had Joshua saying he'll burn the world stuck in my head bro dions tuff af and I think this is the only final fantasy game that deserves to drop the title like imma be that guy again I think this the best final fantasy will be and will forever stay that way but ay it is what it is uhh to end off I think clives also the best protag in like all of fiction unlike clouds bitch ass (in the original he's way better in the remake since he actually has a character full offense to the original) and I stand by that just wish he wasn't British but we can't have everything

I miss the good old days of the 90s, when games weren’t so political. Where you could play a game like Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee, about a meek worker class of aliens exploited by a ruling class for its labor, their culture erased by their employers to enforce their enslavement, to produce commodities and surplus value at an exponential rate destructive and self-consuming enough to that ruling class that they choose to make their next big commodity be the very flesh of that exploited work force themselves, until one hero alien is inspired to foment collective action against their capitalist oppressors, where he is encouraged to be as non-selfish as he possibly can and his very survival is determined by how many of his fellow workers he can rescue rather than merely escaping by himself. Nowadays you can’t look anywhere without being exposed to a bunch of woke and cultural Marxism.

An agonizing play. The hub worlds are worthless and tedious without realizing you have to stand UNDER the boss warp and stay there for a bit to actually be taken to the boss. The platforming is a little more engaging than Advance 2, but still tends to be a drag.

While not bad at all, the game is made far weaker by it's copout cliffhanger ending and a boring and washed out multiplayer.

The story is excellent, giving more character to the covenant gives the player a entirely new cast of interesting characters, good as the first game killed most of the few characters it had. The levels are alright, but far too many of them have you stand in a big room fighting waves of enemies like it's firefight for ten minutes, the level where you fly a banshee and chase the heretic is a great example as you have about ten seconds of excitement followed by twenty life-draining minutes of flying around and killing the same three enemies forever.

The multiplayer is a step down from Combat Evolved, but by no means is it a disaster. The battle rifle sadly overshadows almost every weapon as instead of making everything strong like in the original, everything shoots pool noodles except the BR and power weapons. The levels have begun to lose all the gimmicky, party-game charm already, and are now just boring octagons of nothingness outside of the big-team battle maps. And I know people love their high-skill buggy game mechanics because it makes them feel just another step above everyone else, but things like BXR end up making the strong weapons stronger, and do next to nothing for the weaker weapons that actually would need such a boon.

The big new feature for multiplayer is dual wielding, and I am sorry to say that this only further weakens the already pathetic pool of weapons. Weapons like the smg and pistol are weak enough at their ""full-potential" when dual-wielded, and neigh-unusable when held alone, meaning to stand any semblance of a chance against the weapon everyone starts with in most modes, you must handicap yourself by being unable to use grenades/equipment without dropping your other weapon.

This may be the second ugliest Halo game, though still miles above Halo 5. Unlike the original, which played the weaknesses of the original xbox to it's strength with a more cartooney and shiny aesthetic, Halo 2 just looks like they found stretched stock art textures over everything and it ends up looking muddy and ugly all throughout.

I see no reason why they should not have just waited for the Xbox 360 to release a full, unbroken, balanced, and high-fidelity game. And so, for me, while it is not terrible by any means, there is little to no reason to play Halo 2 over most other Halo games.

Yeah, I dunno. I still don't get it. After just replaying the game (because it's short so why not), I'm really surprised by the overall positive-to-mixed reactions to the game after its addition to NSO. I really thought that its addition would cause more people to look at it in a more critical light, but I guess people truly will eat up any platformer with "Mario" in the title, huh...

People call this game "weird" to justify giving it high scores, but I actually think this is one of the most aggressively bland Mario games out there. It is paint-by-numbers Mario, but it even feels like a pale imitation of that, with uninteresting level design and zero secrets. It's like Mario 1 but even further stripped down to its bare essentials. If having a few unique character designs and two generic space shooter stages constitutes "weird", then those are some extremely low standards of weirdness. If you want weird, play Mario Land 2. That's a game that truly earns its reputation for weirdness, and it's also much higher quality too.

Is having a few weird character designs and some mild historical significance really enough to single-handedly give this game a passing score? Enough to look past the controls and visuals and everything else that is clearly substandard? Honestly now that I think about it this might be my pick for the worst mainline Mario game. I'm pretty shocked that it isn't brought up more in that discussion.

Perhaps worse than bad or problematic in its detection of native americans, Beyond Two Souls is just BORING(ok maybe being kind of racist is worse than being boring). Thank you FWOB for streaming a bunch of david cage games over lockdown way back

I do not understand why the Rev games are well rated. They feel super jank. The zombie animations are so stiff and some of their attacks literally come out of nowhere. There's barely any sense of impact when you shoot them with guns. I understand the Rev games are much lower budget than the mainline REs but then why aren't they recycling mechanics from 4 or 5? Is it because Rev 1 had to work on the 3DS and Rev 2 had to work on the Vita? Either way it doesn't change the fact that the game feels like shit to play, at least to me.

I got to a point where a bunch of zombies swarm you and Claire is supposed to fight them off while Moira very slowly opens a door with her crowbar. I cannot figure out how to get past this point. Maybe I'm missing something but I think I'm just in an unwinnable state. I don't have enough bombs and ammo to kill even half of them and they swarm me. I'm not really interested in replaying from the start to get to that point with more ammo and herbs. This is probably one of those games that's only fun co-op.

I do not like this game. To sum it up the experience feels like I am in Groundhog day forced to replay a terribly written prologue to a fantasy RPG but they replace the character each time loop.

The game presents you with eight characters, but none of them are particularly interesting, and they barely interact with each other. They feel like tropes and stereotypes of medieval western characters without much to differentiate them. Writing everything in such a self-contained manner, as if each adventurer has entirely set off on their own, does no favors too. It hinders potential interactions and makes everyone feel even more like blank slates and cardboard cutouts. Not to mention for me personally, there are no interesting themes or overall cohesion to the character’s journeys.

Each plot line also feels so damned terrible, they read like someone put up a board of ideas and started throwing darts blindfolded. And with eight of them, none of the individual plotlines have room to fully develop into an actually unique narrative. But I think the biggest problem of all is the pacing. As said in the beginning, each new character’s story starts generic and cliché, and you have to go through this eight times. This makes it such a drag, a long tedious and arduous drag for people who put a lot of points into narrative in a video game.

You pretentious haters just loathe the idea of innovation in the RPG scene. Maybe if they added the legendary hero, slimes or goblins the turnbasers would eat this shit up. I think you're all just mad because this game is about getting a job and you feel called out. https://careers.mcdonalds.com/

various daylife that's the saddest fucking name ive seen for a video game😭 WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO EVEN MEAN, someone tell square the ai is getting overworked to make these games