8 reviews liked by A_Nifty_Person

I fell in love with Dragon Quest at a young age with DQIX. They announced this game not too long after, and I was crazy excited for it - but I didn't really understand that it was a remake of a Super Famicom game, so when the day finally came, I was a little let down by the lack of a character creator and the "downgrade" to first person battles with sprite graphics. I dropped the game for a few months, came back to it on a random night and got absolutely sucked in. Something just clicked - the dream world plot was so mysterious, I realized how huge and grand the world was, and the class system proved to be addicting.

I still have so many moments from this game permanently ingrained in my mind and I plan to replay it again soon. The evil world you visit in that final stretch of the game was so immersive and the whole summoning scene where a demon demolishes a castle blew my mind. Gradually coming to love this game's older style was probably the beginning of my descent into dungeon crawlers

I've scarcely felt so undecided on a game, this is genuinely an oddball experience. This is basically a retelling of Evangelion but in game form. The cutscenes and sound have incredible quality, but actually playing it - crazy shit. The first couple of stages set you up to think this is a 3D fighter as you control Eva 01 and fight angels, but just as soon as you get used to that, you're slapped in the face by an 8 second mission where you're fighting with the controls trying to aim a missile. Then you're mashing buttons hard enough to give yourself an aneurysm as you chase down Jet Alone - and then its a fucking rhythm game with Asuka. Your head will be spinning, but not for long, because you can clear this entire thing in like an hour. Is it even fair to call this a game? It feels more like something you'd play with at a museum exhibit

This is basically a game where you are paid to ruin Venezuela, you straight up drop orbital nukes and carpet bomb the cities and nobody really cares. All because some rich guy took over the government or something and shot you in the left ass cheek. Something of note is that you choose from three fully voiced characters at the very start of the game which adds slight replay value

vivid memories of laying alone in the dark listening to sum 41 on my DS. this was my ipod and it got me through the most evil trials of my life

I think often about how this game takes place over like a day and half. usually when i hit the gym i can handle like an hour or so of lifting, and then im spent for the day. i think after the del lago fight if i was leon i'd throw up and try to walk back home

i was a well-behaved kid, i never swore or anything around adults and stayed out of trouble. one day a deep darkness swirled within me while playing super scribblenauts, and i walked up to my dad with the game. this was the one where they added adjectives, so once he was looking, i typed "Big Fat Ass" with the stylus and spawned a large donkey. never seen him laugh so much in my life

I lived in this game as a kid, I was literally inside the game. I'd play this with friends on DS Download Play for hours and dub over the cutscenes, make up my own stories, and play the stages in random order. Definitely flawed looking back but a personal classic.

Apocalypse is one of my favorite Megami Tensei games - to me, this game offers some of the best combat and boss fights in the franchise, with a wide variety of quick, addicting side quests to keep you constantly engaged and seeing new opponents. The writing, while largely pretty corny, wraps around into being cool as shit near the end with one of the most outrageous power trip endings of all time. I refuse to believe the Anarchy ending wasn't intentionally written as the ultimate payoff for people who did not like this game's cast.