Excellent game, the story isn't that good but the gameplay is.

The idea to mix the Disney Worlds with the Final Fantasy ones was brilliant, but not satisfied, the developers created a lot of new things, characters and worlds, all in the same level of quality as the classic Disney and Square ones.

PS: This game has Sepiroth in it, play it.

Excellent horror game, it's kinda slow but it is a great experience overall. I prefer the first game, but this one keeps the multiple endings and the random encounters, something that makes the game way more menacing than other horror games.

Maked the two main routes with all the scenarios, they are cool and there are enough differences to make all the things in this game.

Omg i love Jeniffer i wanna marry her plz make her mine.

Talking serious now, excellent horror game, especially in the SNES. The puzzles can be confusing but the gameplay is cool, the panic system is awsome in a horror game, and the random encounters with Scissor Man makes this game unique, the possibility to have multiple endings make this game more scary because you start to think about your choices and actions.

Ah and the story is pretty cool too.

Excellent game.

After the team risked it wall to make a game that they could be proud of, Yakuza, or Ryū ga Gotoku was born.

This game tries to tell a mature, human, sometimes goofy and interesting story, the characters are deep and leaved a mark in me, i could pass hours explaining why I think this game is so good at telling his story. One thing that I should mention is that the contrast of a character with a dark past with another character that is somehow innocent, and they journey together change the two is a common and very popular storytelling nowadays, GOD OF WAR and The Last of Us are based on it, but the first game that I know that did this was Yakuza, with the relationship of Kiryu and Haruka, even if they seem forced to be together sometimes (like in the times that he brings a 9 years old girl to a soapland or a illegal secret cassino in the main history), I think this was really ahead of it's time.

Kamurocho is really impressive too, the idea of the game was to let you visit the night culture of Japan, and they did it. Kamurocho is charming, with people hanging out in all corners, light in all directions and a infinity of places to seek pleasure, I think that this one is even better than the Kiwami one.

The combat would be EXCELLENT if you could change the direction that Kiryu is facing mid combo, even DMC 2 had that, but because of that single mistake you will punch the air more than the enemies, the HEAT mechanic is the peak of gaming too, make the combat flow more engaging, like the style rank from the DMC series.

Excellent MH, improved absolutely everything. I played with friends until i reached the G rank and this is my first experience with the 3rd generation.

I liked to fight underwater, its fast (more fast than the land combat), you have a lot of oxygen and there aren't that many underwater combat in the game. It is really cool to jump into the water to chase a plesioth instead of waiting like in the previous games.

All weapons got new things too, like the double charge in the GS and the roundslash that build up you blade level for LS.

The new food mechanic is really cool too, you don't need to build up cats and you can see and plan what skills you get.

really cool.

After playing 24 Sonic games, i finally end my journey here in this one (at least on the Modern sonic ones, now i'm going to Superstars)

Best OST in a while, excellent gameplay, fun open world to explore and a cool level design.

I don't like that the cyberspaces are one of 4 places in every level, they could get creative and bring a lot of cool stuff back, or create new ones.

I had a lot of fun, one of the best sonic games.

The OST is FIRE, except for classic sonic

All the rest of the game is... meh, especially the level design.

I'm an evil doctor with a rad genius and bad minions
To help me sink the planet into my dominion
A baddie with an I.Q. like you've never seen
I'm the meanest, vilest villain that's ever been on your screen
I'm iconic, with my bionic animatronics,
got a chronic knack to catch the hedgehog they call "Sonic"
My temper is atomic, my mustache is on fire
Welcome to the new world, Eggman Empire

It is a different sonic game, but it is a cool one. It looks a lot like a Nintendo Plataform game, with mario galaxy as its main inspiration.

I liked it, i think it is a good game.

One of the best remakes i've ever crossed, no complains. The game is fast paced, responsive and beautiful.

The OST could be better tho, I like it but Super Metroid did better in my opinion, with the darker and more tense vibes but maybe that's just my taste.

Downsides: The story is nothing special and classic sonic is the one from sonic 2, so we don't have sonic CD moveset, the final bossfight is terrible.

Upsides: This game is almost perfect, classic sonic is fast and fun, modern sonic is unleashed + colors but only the good part (no double jump or homing attack on the boost button), but the real star here is the level design, one level from every main sonic game reimagined, remade and amazing, with a LOT of pathways, shortcuts and very balanced, fast and amazing stages. I just don't agree with the choice of Planet Whisp for Colors and Seaside Hill for Heroes, but that's just my preference.

A lot of fanservice, amazing level design, the OST is fire, FAST AND FUN!

Horrible port, horrible story, excellent level design (PLANET WISP FOR GENERATIONS??? REALLY??).

The game is cute, the music is good but WHO PUT A DOUBLE JUMP ON THIS GAME!?

That's why he's MVP, THAT'S WHY HE'S THE GOAT


Excellent DLC, I like it better than the game.