one of the best roguelikes ever made, the game is incredibly fun, story is amazing i loved it, it's very nicely balanced with the timer=difficulty thing, and damn i love when games don't restrict anything and let you go ham with the builds, you can build an item that throws a rocket at an enemy, stack that shit like 200 times, and one shot everything with a small projectile this shit is great, and when you play it, BE SURE TO HAVE MUSIC TURNED ON THAT SHIT IS A GIFT FROM GOD

keep in mind this is the only zelda game i played so my opinion isn't as important, but i absolutely adored The Minish Cap i thought it was so fucking fun and damn the story is great

man i really wanted to enjoy a new pokemon game after such a long time of not playing the old ones, but yea this is just... just play Pokemon Emerald idk

if you wanna play a pokemon game, don't touch anything that came after Sun and Moon, but in my opinion Emerald is still the most iconic and best pokemon game of them all, played this so much as a kid

i really dislike this game, it was so fun at the start cause i didn't have anything to do during the pandemic, but holy jesus it gets so incredibly boring you would not BELIEVE it. i don't recommend this game for anyone, you do not desire to go through such pain as playing this crap game (also nintendo game, so already u shouldn't play it)

man i hate Nintendo a lot but, yea this game was pretty good, not amazing, not great, but just good.

Kojima is an absolute mastermind and i will always love his work. This game is so amazing for it's time it's incredible, the fact that you can make a game so goofy and silly, a game that's just talking about fucking politics, international conflict and memes, it is really interesting and fun to play. and even if it's really stupid and silly, it still manages to be extremely deep at times and actually really thought provoking. great game Kojima you've done it again, i wish the best for him.

the best game rockstar has ever made, and that's not saying alot considering rockstar games kinda mid, but whatever, what matters is this game is amazing and everything about it works really well, the story is nice, characters are all interesting and fun to listen to, and you can do like, literally anything i swear to god, it's a very big game and that's nice, and god they made the combat EXTREMELY fun
after finishing the game ill just say that the story is one of the best i've ever seen in a game and it's extremely worth it. every character is amazingly written and the final chapter is just splendid

man this game sucks hard ass, just don't play it, even with friends it's just not worth it, or fun, it's just not

this is the most unique game i've ever played and i adore it, there's so much interesting stuff, the game will be frustrating as fuck at the start cause of the unknown environment and the... creatures, but damn the more you play, the more nice it becomes, and the music goes really well with the atmosphere it makes for itself it's nice. and the best part is absolutely the enemies and how everything reacts with eachother, it is so incredibly immersive, each creature is off killing eachother, mostly after you but they go after eachother too, and it's so nice to explore this world

probably the only, or one of the only good games made by Activision, all their new stuff suck so much ass, just play the 3 modern warfares and yea, still for as much as i hate activision, these games were pretty good

with friends, this game is top tier. it is so incredibly fun to fuck around with ghosts and do random shit while getting absolutely shit scared. the less you know about it, the better it is. highly recommend it

compared to all the other fnaf games, and just in general, this game kinda mid, gameplay sucked, and i didn't really enjoy it, just play fnaf 2 and 3 idk


you will play this game, think it's alright, get so incredibly addicted for like a couple days, and then instantly forget it even existed, still while it doesn't have a lot of replay value, those couple of days are great

yea this is the best SCP game ever made, it is so fun to play on random servers with random people and just, do anything you want, as an example, the romanian server was chaotic as all fuck and it was a fuck fest every single time i would join, and it was genuinely one of the most fun experiences that i had with random people i met