Me an intellectual: Open world done right, good quests and side quests, conquer conquer and MORE CONQUER.

This was my first Ace Combat Experience, and I must say I'm impressed. Great story, magnificent OST, great squad interactions, a well written war story and fun combat that alongside the OST makes up for a great immersion.

Borderlands has what it takes to be a great game, but ultimately falls apart the more you play it. The game has such an incredible setting, great ambiance and cool concept, but all of that is wore down by the gameplay mechanics. At the start you won't notice this, but later on, enemies start being HP Sponges, and the loot will be trash 99.9% of the times, even the vendors sell crap. You'll be stuck with that good~ish weapons you found like 10 hours ago. I was lucky enough to get an awesome shotgun that stuck with me till endgame, as the thing would annihilate bruisers and bosses easily, that still doesn't change the fact that most of the loot you get is trash and it's everywhere to the point where it becomes a chore to check every single thing for a slight upgrade. Missions are a chore, most of them is the same old "go here, fetch this, return" or "Go, kill, and return" and none of them are rewarding enough to excuse how tedious they are, it doesn't help that enemy variance is low, there are like 5 - 7 enemy types with some variants and that's just it.

Oh, and the inventory management? awful

That Conquest Ending tho :(

3/4 of the game was pretty good, addictive and well designed, until I reached the worst dungeon I've ever had the displeasure of being in, makes Trails of Cold Steel 2 Epilogue Random Generated Dungeon more tolerable. Castle Strangerock overstayed it's welcome and boy "LEVEL DOWN" debuff made me hate this game I just had to drop this piece of crap because I just can't.

End my misery

Death's Door is quite a breathe of fresh air from 2021, I wish I had played this game sooner, but the moment I heard the OST I knew this was a game I needed to play.

It has the right length, with the right combat, the right level design and the right music. I just kind of wished there was a mini map or something, as it may be difficult for other people to traverse through the areas without getting lost.

Kingdom Hearts III Ending explained for dummies, absurd damage sponge fights, lazy fights and that weird mickey section.

Also: How not to do an Epilogue. Limit Cut Edition. Includes infuriating fights and cut content from Final Fantasy Versus.

Wow, Thanks Nomura :D

Well that was certainly something. Kingdom Hearts 3 is such a mixed bag is very difficult not to be biased against it, but in it's defense, there's also many things to be biased positively, just not as much to balance the bad and the ugly.

Let's start with the ugly first: The gameplay, boy, this is an abomination. There's too many mechanics cramped into it, and this creates 2 problems:

1: the game can be easily cheesed and can be a breeze for the most part, insanely floaty, for the sake of looking epic, certain things like attractions are such a combat pace breaker.

2: The game being extremely floaty and flashy, leads to the final fights becoming a literal bullet hell of bullshit, where you need to cheese or be cheesed and boy how much I loathed the final fights.

When in doubt, just KISS (Keep it simple, stupid)

Another ugly thing about the combat, is that flowmotion is literally useless, it was great in DDD and had uses, but the worlds in KH3 are too open for it to be of any use, and it has been nerfed to insanity it's almost unreliable.

And the worst part of KH3 is that you only play on Sora's perspective, except for a few (finger counted) fights where you use other characters, but it would have been better if, you know, they did like past games and made different sections for different characters, that was such a shame.

The bad:

This game tries to cram a lot of plot points in a short time, resulting in a game that feels rushed, and even if it's rushed, the game still had shit tons of filler inside the Disney worlds, which, most of them are left unresolved (like for example, Caribbean's plot point with Sora using the keyblade to do something with the Sea Goddess). I miss the days of KH1 where you went to Disney worlds not to play a Disney Movie but to actually fix things, that is mostly gone since KH2 where you play a Disney Movie that has heartless on it, quite the yikes.

There's also a big lack of consequences and too much nakama power, but that's just a KH signature at this point.

The music, oh boy, more than half the game is recycled soundtrack, and only a few of the mare memorable, nuff said.

The good:

Despite my hatred towards the gameplay and part of the story, there was some great moments, like the reunion of many characters, which made this game slightly memorable. It was very satisfying, so in a way it was worth it just for that.

Thoughts on the PC Version: The game is a terrible port as it missed many customization options present in all the games (from 1.5 to 3), some weird bugs and crashes here and there, fortunately KH3 didn't have crashes for me.

Time for Re:Mind

After 3 questionable games, I finally get to try DDD for the first time... and I've gotta say, this is what I have been hoping for, for the KH formula to go back to it's KH1 roots instead of filling us with Disney Movie filler like it has been since KH2, great pacing and flow, great music too.

The gameplay is also a step up from the very flawed deck command introduced in BBS, making it the best Kingdom Hearts Combat imo, even better than KH2. Flowmotion might feel floaty at first, but it's not broken and feels awesome. Thankfully, those distractive command styles are optional and won't ruin the pace of your combat and the spirits system was a nice addition, which, gave this game the best balance I've ever seen in Kingdom Hearts, keeping the game challenging and strategic with the combination of spirits, as some stat boosters aren't permanent. I found this added to the challenge and fun in keeping the game difficult instead of busted (like in BBS, that you could farm for abilities and become broken in no time) I appreciate when games has this sort of balance, Ballon commands are still busted tho.

Last but not least, pacing was done great, dividing a single run into two without the need of starting the whole game again like BBS, this avoided the game dragging up with filler and made it go to the point, which I'm really glad for.

Welcome to Nomura's clusterfuck in order to add continuity once again, the inception way.

Tell me a command better than Thunder Surge... You Can't.

Wow, this game hasn't aged well for me, I remember loving it back in the day as one of the best Kingdom Hearts ever made, but upon closure inspection this game has too many duct tapes and inconsistencies in it I found it really hard to get back into it, especially considering that dreadful Terra section that made me facepalm several times, I swear, the guy has the IQ of a toddler. That, and having brought Ventus back home would have avoided many things. The game's pace is also pretty weird, considering most of the game and worlds are filler, sadly, this has been a thing since KH2 mind you, where you meddle more than necessary, unlike KH1, that had something going for every world completely unrelated to the normal plot of each world (as in the movies) worst world for me was Neverland, due to Peter Pan, the only saving grace for that world is that is the best place to farm for Command XP imo, as you can just go to the indian cap, rinse and repeat and you'll be done.

That aside, I still had my fun with the game, gameplay was good, but not as great as KH2, it's too floaty and some command styles are annoying, like Sky Climber or Ghost Drive, which, might look cool, but when it comes to function, they disrupts normal movement a lot to the point of making normal attacks become a chore. Thunder Surge is still the way to go and there's simply no other way that is more satisfying than this (maybe terra's Cannon, but I still prefer Bio Barrage for that juicy dps)

Terra's Story: 4/10
Ventus' Story: 5/10
Aqua's Story: 6/10

Overall, game with some highest highs but a lot of lowest lows that can't really find a balance.

Beaten the game more than 10 times, 2 lvl 1 runs, crowned and done no damage challenges

Proud Mode > Critical Mode
Combat > Story

I used to Adore this game religiously until I found my new love in Ys. This is definitely Peak KH Combat and has some very fun bosses, but the rest of the game is driven by bad pacing. First half of the game is kinda slow, but when it picks up, it goes through unnecessary worlds revisit that breaks the pacing and the tension. Music is good, but not as great as KH1.

It does hit a lot of emotional beats here and there tho. I kind of wished it aged better, but alas my taste has changed drastically.

Not as bad as the PS2 elitists say. Popular opinions are overrated.

Ratchet & Clank only in name, and it's not due to the psp limitations, this game is just bad, unplayable and frustrating.