I'm going to repost my Steam review here.

Heavily inspired by The 25th Ward and Flower, Sun and Rain, "times infinity" is a visual novel with an alternative good looking interface, interesting and well written characters and dialogue, and a great soundtrack.

Although it screams "My first Unity project", the potential in "times infinity" is vertigo-indulcing, blinding and deafening in the best way possible. If it's creator doesn't give up on making games, they will absolutely make an authentic banger some day.

Better than Secret of Mana.

The most tragic thing about Rage 2 is that it has one of the most satisfying first person shooter combat systems of any game I've ever played.

Nothing felt worse than the downer after having cleared an enemy checkpoint euphorically and realizing that I had to drive to the next shooting arena for multiple minutes without anything remotely interesting happening in between those moments.

The humor was also pretty hit or miss and some bosses were plainly just not fun to fight against.

The cute energy overflows in this title.
The writers really knew how a kid's imagination works and playing it really feels like going back to being a carefree boy on a summer weekend. Maybe the game's short length isn't really a problem but the lack of titles chasing such experiences is.

Peak Fallout atmosphere in the whole franchise.

It's pretty difficult to understand what the game expects of you, and it can be frustrating not knowing the right place to be or the right thing to do at certain times.

But if you invest the energy to actually learn how to play, you will never feel as immersed on a post-apocalyptic world as you do in this game. If you truly liked either Fallout 3 or New Vegas I think you owe this experience to yourself.

GT7 is the first Grand Turismo game I've played. I didn't expect to like it, but turns out taking the perfect corner, breaking at the correct time and making sure the car doesn't drift while turning at the highest speed possible is not only harder than I anticipated, it's also really fun. Collecting cars and getting to know about their technology and history was really interesting.

Though making races so long at the second half of the game really killed my interest. Maybe mixing up short and long races across the whole game would had made the gameplay feel more varied. Cars being so expensive to purchase doesn't help either.

The game is a joy to play for the visuals alone. Never have I played something with architectures and sights as beautiful as this. The lack of heads up display makes sure that you are never distracted by unnecessary elements on screen and let's you soak the atmosphere in much easier. The combat is also kind of fun which is a plus. Absolutely recommend it to anyone.

Managed to play until day 6 thanks to this translated playthrough on YouTube. The hot summer vacation atmosphere is not only really well done, it's also very refreshing to see a game try to tackle such a specific nostalgic feeling. More games should try to itch specific feelings like this I think.