10 reviews liked by Adrybone

Impresionante que este hack bizarro del juego haya llegado a esta página. Ya se siente ese Estudiantes-San Martin (T) con los relatos de Walter Nelson tirando publicidades de candados Macao de manera aleatoria.

made me cry, not in a good way.


Pac-Man: Yo yo yo yo! What it is, motherfuckers?!
Evil Jared: Aw shit, here comes Pac-Man.
Jimmy Pop: Hey Pac-Man! What's up?
Pac-Man: Me, you bitches, I'm high on crack! Wanna freebase?
Jimmy Pop: No, Pac-man, drugs are bad!
Evil Jared: Nope, can't help you, mane.
Pac-Man: Pussies!
(Pac-Man then smokes the crack pipe)
(Pac-Man then dances)
(scene ends)

Uno de los mejores juegos mas disfrutables jamas creados. Revoluciono totalmente el genero de aventura a la vez que la dinamica de combate en los mismos. El diseño de las mazmorras es increible y son muy entretenidas. Nada mas que agregar, uno de los mejores juegos de la historia.

Fucking hate every single aspect of this faul smelling shit of a game and everyone involved in it, and if you like it, fuck you too. I played one match to confirm how much I despised it, and it just added even more shit to the giant pile of shit that is this failed excuse of a revolting, sickening, nauseating, repulsive piece of shit of a game that paid a shameful amount of money to get it's disguisting rotting roots in every single piece of shit media it could to become a global phenomenon that only confirms how horrible the public opinion is and how easy it is to sway it with money. Whoever decided for force this game down the throats of children for profit should get flogged to death, if you are going to be that painfully obvious at least do it with a good fucking game.