8 reviews liked by Aelita_Tenjou

My detractors would have you believe the toxic lie that I ripped off AVGN's whole personality. That is 100% a lie.
James has never been a meaningful content creator, like me. If anything, HE ripped off ME (ree) because I invented the 'let's play.' It just pisses me off because avgn is super rich, while I gotta beg for donations for the rest of my life.
Y'know, it's been tough... :'(

I made Drake the artist it looked exactly like him
And then I got in game and the ui was so terrible and overwhelming I couldn't keep playing sorry Drake

"Enemy chaser!!!"

yeah, I'm familiar with those

No shame to admit that my knowledge of United States geography comes entirely from Vigilante 8's level select screen

Maybe videogames can't be art

this is why video games were made

AI party members is actually amazing for tartarus idk why people don't like it