I have played all of the Xenoblade Chronicles games. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is so far, my favorite in the series. My ONLY gripe with this game is I wish it wasn't on the Nintendo Switch so we can see the beautiful visuals this game has to offer.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 continues the series but takes it to a whole new level. From the refined combat changes, the multiple characters you can control, the many heroes you can add you your party, the size of the map has drastically been increased from Xenoblade 2 and the amount of activites, secrets and side quests you can do is incredible.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 can be beaten in about 60 - 80 hours which is crazy by itself. But if you want to COMPLETE this game it can take you closer to 200 hours. I didn't 100% complete this game but I did a lot of the side content. I came in at the 100-hour mark for my playthrough.

I cannot recommend this game enough.

Huge nostalgic trip with this game. My friend and I in high school sat down one summer and decided to focus on two games. PSO Ep. 1 and 2 and this gem. We played this no-stop until completion and loved it. Think of this as an easier Final Fantasy for the time. Combat was basic, but fun. The evil mode as well was very fun and unique. Playing as the bad guys to stop the Fellowship.

Recommended if you are a Lord of the Rings fan and Final Fantasy fan!

First off I would like to thank Flynn's Arcade for providing me an early key for the Nintendo Switch.

A Winding Path is a beautifully hand-drawn game about finding things about this world. While you explore there where be many little puzzles to perform. Lots of different characters to interact with all telling you about what needs to be done and my favorite little thing is playing the instrument you unlock early on in the game which adds a whole new dynamic to the game.

I absolutely love the games environment, there really isn't any talking nor music. But loads of really cool environment sounds like camp fires, rain, rivers, etc... The sound design is very well done.

A Winding Path isn't a hard game by any means but it is a great game to sit back and unwind too. The game can be complete in about 2 hours which is perfect for the price point and the value you get out of this game.

I recommend you try and play this all in one session to experience it fully. The ending is adorable.

Propnight is fun, especially with friends. Think Prop hunt with DBD mechanics. Propnight Reborn was just recently released with a bunch of new features and graphical updates to the game. Will be playing that very shortly.

Overall I recommend checking this game out it is a good time to be had.

I would consider myself an Overwatch player and fan for sure. Generally, was pretty excited about Overwatch 2 but when they announced it was going Free to Play, as most people, it got me worried. At first, it didn't seem too bad of a model until the Halloween event was introduced. The new skins CANNOT be earned by playing the game. They must be purchased for about $20 per skin. Outrageous. This is not a TRUE F2P game if you cannot earn these items.

Besides the monetization, the gameplay overall is very fun. Not enough has been changed or added to be called "Overwatch 2" but I am looking forward towards the PvE content in 2023.

The visuals have been nicely upgraded and the sound design on the guns are amazing. If you are an Overwatch fan, there is no doubt you will be playing this. However, if you are a new Overwatch player and this is your first time playing. It may throw you off a bit as you have to play 100 matches to unlock all character, reach a certain rank in the battle pass to unlock Kiriko and you must get 50 wins, not games, but wins to unlock Competitive mode. Seems kind of steep.

Loved this game. I am a huge fan of Tactical RPGs, and this really scratched that itch for me. Beautiful sprite work, amazing music, outstanding story. Highly recommended.

Been playing every day since launch. This game certainly has its ups and downs. But it is still an impressive overall. Visuals, sound design, and art ae outstanding. They have a lot to do when it comes to balancing the characters as the newest ones that come out dominate everyone else, making every other character be useless. With over 500 characters available, they need to do more.

However, I still love the game and will continue to play it.

I loved this game as a kid. Visually it does not hold up today but the mechanics sure do.

My friend and I played this when we were much younger at a sleepover in his creepy basement which we swear was haunted. We got so scared that asked each other to turn off the GameCube and we huddle under the blankets. Eventually he was the hero and turned it off.

The insanity system, creepy voices, the different eras you got to play through, the environments at the time and the story were all so darn good. Great Halloween game to play! Wish this would get brought back to life one day.


Great game full of nostalgic game play. Good story length and banging music. Highly recommended.

This game is incredible. 4 years later the developers are STILL supporting this game by adding in yearly expansions, multiple free DLCs everyday couple of months, accessibility options, tons of crossovers with other indie titles.

Dead Cells is a 2D platforming rogue-light game. Your goal is to simply make it as far as you can all while collecting dead cells to unlock upgrades. From cosmetics to weapons there is a ton of stuff to unlock and collect. You will never complete or master this game if the devs keep adding to this game.

An epic card battle RPG game. Story is great, the humour is awesome and the gameplay and feel of the game is incredible. I love these series of games and cannot wait to see what they do next or what genre they decide to tackle.

Overall it was a good game and I had lots of fun with it. The music is insane and the visuals are outstanding. I really enjoyed the variety of guns and spells you could use and the upgrade system to make them even better. However, I find it does it stale about Act 3, still fun and gorgeous, but it seemed very repetitive. Other than that, I would recommend if you're a fan of classic FPS games like Doom.

Donut Dodo is a fantastic take on the classic Donkey Kong arcade game. Each level is different and unique, which keeps it fresh and challenging. The 2D sprite work is really well done. The controls are extremely responsive. The music is really well done as well.

Donut Dodo is perfect to take on the go and try and beat some of the highscores on the in-game leaderboard, because they are tough to beat. In order to progress in the game, you need to beat certain levels to unlock the next set of levels which become increasingly difficult.

Highly recommended, especially if you are fan of the arcade retro platformers.

Nine Parchments is an action RPG similar to Gauntlet. The game starts off really well, is fun and is even greater when you are playing with your friends in co-op. You go through several levels together and as you play you unlock hats, staffs, and characters. After each boss you beat you unlock a new random spell. During your adventures you are also finding quills. Each level has 5 quills to collect. The more you collect the more additional staffs you unlock. You are also earning XP. Each level you gain you will receive skill points to help increase your character’s stats. Max level is 50, but once you beat Hardcore mode with a character, you unlock a Gilded version of that character, and the max level is increased to 60.

I find this game much more difficult when you are playing co-op as there are a lot of AOE spells. This game has friendly fire which cannot be turned off but can be altered to take less damage or split the damage between all characters. After a few hours of playing Nine Parchments, it becomes very repetitive and slowly starts losing its initial magic. To make matters worse, while we were playing this on Steam, we encountered many bugs that made us have to restart the level each time because we could not progress. Sometime it took multiple tries to finally be able to progress.

Overall, it is a fun co-op experience, but I wouldn’t play it with more than 1 friend as it will get pretty hectic. Get this on sale, it is a good distraction for a few hours.

(I am currently playing end game content.)

Pokémon Scarlet overall was an enjoyable game. Besides being very disappointed how this game was released, I still had a lot of fun with it. I just imagine a world where this game was running at 60FPS. I say this because for most of the game I found myself actually zoned out and focused on finding Pokémon in each new area to expand my Pokedex. It was a great feeling that I haven’t had since Red and Blue. The reason for this is because this is an open world Pokémon game so seeing Pokémon pop up left and right was exciting because I wasn’t sure which new Pokémon I would see. I went into this game without any spoilers for the first time since Red and Blue.

The story format is a lot better in these version as you have three different paths to go down. You have your basic obtain 8 badges and become the champion of the region. You also have to complete gym challenges before fighting the gym leader. I found most of the gym challenges to be boring. You also have the Path of Star where you have to take out the leaders of Team Star. The only thing I didn’t like about this one was you had to defeat 30 Pokémon for each camp with the new mechanic of sending out your Pokémon to the field in Auto battles. I found it was boring and took too long. The other one which I enjoyed the most was finding and fighting the Titan Pokémon. Each time you took one down you would gain a new exploration power for Koraidon. I didn’t look up any spoilers for this either so it was exciting to see which new powers I would receive each time.

Once you have completed all story events you head on over to one of the final challenges which is Aero Zero. The giant crater in the center of the map. This had a unique story twist to it which I liked and a bit darker and sad. Overall the final battle was really well done and the music was just awesome. I recommend beating the game to see this.

Once area zero is done you go through a series of 4 battles at the academy which doesn’t take too long overall and generally easy. Once completed you head on over to all the post-game stuff where you catch the legendary Pokémon and finish your Pokedex for the region which I am currently working on myself.

Overall, it was a pretty enjoyable game where I actually felt immersed in the world. If the game was less glitch, buggy and less ugly. It would have been an exceptional game.