my favorite game, SURVEY_PROGRAM


sometimes a game doesnt need to be anything more then a game where you play as a cat,
cat game = good

fish when go water and bread!!

worldbuilding is insane, how do you even make a fake internet and pull it off this well

this is not a difficult game in the slightest, but instead just a calm and fun game to hop around in. good movement and a really cute artstyle, just a nice little game

mario kart if nintendo wasn't fuckin around

must have game engine for playing anything thats tabletop 🤯🤯🤯

is great with friends but i have too much anxiety to play this game on my own

its like working without the pay

finally i can punch that stupid chicken

a fnaf game purely dedicated to it's gameplay mechanics. its almost a sandbox in the way you can choose to deal with certain mechanics from throughout the series. the gameplay is really satisfying to master and can be extremely precise, and i just find this extremely addicting. an amazing capstone to end the series on.
and i just love how thematic this game fits with the franchise. every game is 5 nights, and there's 5 core games. then theres always a bonus 6th night, FFPS being a secret 6th fnaf game from the surface. and then a 7th night thats a custom night, this game being the 7th fnaf. scott is a genius

probably one of the hardest hitting endings for a franchise ive ever seen

more content unfortunately not always good, really hate most of the minigames here and the new characters are blatantly broken and can be obtained immediately