why does this get all the good stuff

he jump for berr y and did nt come back down. ..... .

used to play this all the time, was a pretty fun strategy game i used to play with friends alot in high school, such a shame they shut it down...

they made this game free to play and downright ruined any reason for me to ever play this again.

not as good as the first, but thats not to say the revival of this franchise wasnt exactly what everyone wanted. cant wait for meme run 3!!!

peak halo loved messing around in this game more then anything

game hits hard on a discord stream with no audio, or so ive been told

We got rooms and food. Drink too. I cook. Ain't much else to tell.

woah sorry guys gotta go clint stevens is streaming...

if you disliked the ending for messing with the series, the writers did their job perfectly. i headcannon this game as real. i can never hear claire de lune the same way ever again. this game made me cry.

no, you cannot skip it. no, it is not good. no, its also kinda good

i dont even know what to fucking say