Went in for the story, stayed for the gameplay. The premise for Catherine was really interesting and could've gone somewhere, but instead it falls flat with one-note characters and black & white morality choices. The gameplay however shines with its push/pull block mechanics and steep difficulty. Don't see myself ever completing all Rapunzel levels or any Babel levels.


Surprisingly fun and enjoyable Rockstar sandbox game that stands up to the GTA games. Loved the adolescent tone of the game, beating up kids, running from teachers, pulling pranks, etc. Combat is enjoyable and definitely beats the GTA games in that regard. Story's simple in a good way and Jimmy Hopkins is a fine protag. One of my favorite Rockstar games.

Pretty animation sure, but ultimately this game is just basic and boring. All of the Forest levels and the one City level I played were simplistic to a fault, requiring no effort other than mashing the button to call the damn Blob over and over. That mechanic alone makes everything take SO long to complete, to the point that its just not fun doing anything. And its faulty to boot, as I had the Blob get stuck in Balloon form one time. Not slogging through any more of this.

This is close to a 4-star, considering how similar it is to BL2. On top of everything it retains from BL2, the new additions of zero gravity, butt slams, laser weapons, and the cryo element are great mechanics that I hope stick around for BL3. I also think they did a good job with the playable characters' respective skill trees. My hangups revolve around the time before getting back to Helios. Traversing those areas is a drag and the missions and characters during those sections are bland. The lack of endgame content, compared to BL2, is kinda disappointing but its not as big of a detriment for me. Grinding and farming don't really interest me, so I'm cool with less of that. Plus, UVHM isn't as punishing as BL2 and I was able to succeed without having to rely on legendaries.

Never thought I'd get as hooked as I did with this, but I genuinely enjoyed this game. Story was whatevers, better than BL1 but that's not saying much. For all the hate I remember this game getting back in 2012, especially for the humor, I got some legit chuckles and a few laughs out of this. Most of all, I really got hooked with the game's loot and leveling up my character through the various skill trees, up until UVHM. Lost interest once I realized how much grinding and farming would be needed to continue in UVHM.

Decent shooter with looting mechanics. Nice artstyle

Pretty unique and enjoyable puzzle game, and just good arcadey fun overall. Enjoyed the challenge of finding all gold cards in each level and boss fight. Soundtrack's very upbeat and catchy as well. I'm not confident this game holds up very well though. Just tried to play this again recently and the frame drops and constant chugging were borderline unbearable. Unsure if its my very old N64 finally giving out, or if the game was always like this.

Loved the looting and level design of finding goodies, using Plasmids to overcome obstacles and discovering hidden pathways and storage locations. Absolutely hated the overall combat. I spoiled myself on the plot previously, so the twist had no affect on me unfortunately. I will say though that the character recordings left throughout the world were not all that interesting, save for a few, and felt samey as the game progressed.

This was a nice game. Nothing groundbreaking, mechanically or story-wise, but just nice all around. That's pretty much the mantra for the major gameplay elements of this game; the platforming, stealth, driving, and puzzle-solving. All simplistic by itself, but a decent package overall. Story was pretty good here, specifically the setting, premise, and characters. Even with the stiff voice-acting, I really liked Jade. We should have more down-to-earth, likeable protags like her in games.

Disappointing overall, even without taking the broken PC port into consideration. The core combat and predator elements work as fine as before with some nice new touches, Gotham is extremely vast and fun to explore with the improved movement, and I enjoyed the tank parts of the Batmobile. Everything else about the car was a mess. The story was very cliche, especially the resolution. At times it tried too hard, and at others it dragged on with needless filler. AK is decent at best.

Great sequel to Arkham Asylum. Enjoyed the open world approach to the game and felt the combat was even smoother than Asylum. Also appreciated the expanded roster of characters and villains in this game. Short but sweet, which is in the game's favor considering the combat isn't too complex. The ending was just extra icing on an already great game.

Solid Metroidvania game overall, but an incredible take on the Batman universe. Physical combat is addictive, easy to learn/easy to mess up, and makes you feel as powerful and competent as Batman should be. The stealth does an equally good job of this as well, making Batman play like an actual predator preying on the weak. Rocksteady did an amazing job of recreating the universe, with all the lore and attention to detail, plus getting the BTAS voice actors. The bosses are pretty basic though.

This might be my favorite 2D Metroid, compared to Super, Fusion, and Zero Mission. Even on my 1st playthrough, I could see lots of opportunities to skip sequences and get to areas earlier than expected. And unlike Super, it feels smooth and controls like a dream. I loved the added mechanics in this game, like infinite bomb jumping and strafing. The only things weak in this game were the item hiding locations being pretty straightforward and the final boss being a pushover.