The idea of a rouge-lite with a store management on the side is neat, but the novelty wears off quickly with how repetitive everything becomes.

i had a better experience playing this than the witness. also it's free.

She piking on my min until it becomes a trilogy. This game is one of the best Wii U games i ever played, this game has a lot of subtle details that are beautiful to watch.

Weird sexual innuendos aside, it's a good rythmn game to chill to.

A very serviceable RE experience in a handheld. The controls were oddly satisfying to use.

Cool-ass game, i am awful at it though. The skill ceilling that it has is absurd.

Rust but worse in every single aspect.

This game is the reason of why i like rythmn games in the first place. You could even say that this game ROCKS.

Campaing: Good-Decent.
MP: Eh...
Zombies: Good.

Game is good, but the achievements, OH THE ACHIEVEMENTS.

Play this. it is very short but it's one the most unique experiences I had with any game in my life ever.

DST is one of the best survival games out there, the art style is eye-catching and the game does not give a damn about you. Your skill increases as the knowledge you gain from the world.

arguably the best Quantic Dream game aside from DBH, The story is engaging and the mechanics are very fun to play around with. the timeline shifts are somewhat confusing though.

this game has way to many cutscenes that are completely useless. the Crystal-Z gimmick was decent tho. Otherwise, it's an average pokémon game.