140 Reviews liked by Agno

Fun arcadey action game from the early 360 years. Still looks pretty damn great today running at a high resolution on PC. The colors still pop—blinding white snow contrasted against bright orange bug goop plays really well on modern HDR displays—and the DX11 fur shading is still so effective it literally crashed my performance to sub-20FPS during one of the boss fights. No joke on that one. The giant spider boss was actually so intense I had to turn the graphics down so my 3080 could run it at 4k.

Really fun. If there's one issue, it's that the thermal energy mechanic feels sort of meaningless in the game. Theoretically it functions as a sort of timer—always ticking down, theoretically limiting how long you can stay in a level—but in reality, even on higher difficulty, it doesn't really come into play. Enemies and environmental objects give you so much energy there's never a reason to sweat. In the rare instances it comes up, like, say, you reach a boss with a little too little energy left over, it just feels more like a minor annoyance than something you could have better strategized around. It feels like a mechanic better suited to an open world style game, where it could function as a friction against exploration. In a game with a more free-form structure, it could make the player ask "is it worth it to check out that cave or encampment? do I have the energy to make it through?".

Here, in a linear arcade actioner, it's more flavor than mechanic. Something that effectively highlights this world as one of stark survival, but not something that really comes into play as A Meaningful Mechanic.

I bought a used Kinect just to play this and felt entirely justified by the end.

I've always loved Twisted Pixel's games for their irreverent humor and unique mixing of FMV with gameplay. In a way, Gunstringer is like the ultimate realization of their style: A Panzer Dragoon-meets Mad Dog McCree run 'n' gun with a ton of great gags and surprisingly effective mechanics given the limitations of the Kinect.

Unfortunately the game design isn't always up to snuff with the hilarious jokes. It runs a bit long and repetitive, with each chapter feeling like 25% longer than it should be. And each boss fight is a copy/paste of the one before with little variety. By the second half, it feels like the gimmick is running a bit out of steam. There's a reason, after all, why Time Crisis and its imitators are sub-1 hour games rather than 6 hour ones. Even Panzer Dragon is about a 2 hour long title. They're in and out before the player can get tired of the flow; before they can run out of new things to do with their limited set of mechanics.

Gunstringer, however, goes so long it even runs out of jokes to make about the western genre it's lampooning. By chapter 3, it moves on to... random generalized Asian jokes? It's really bizarre, and by far the weakest segment of the game. The first half of the game lampoons lumberjacks, oil barons, brothels—all sorts of old western movie stereotypes. Then the third chapter is about a samurai. And I genuinely think this could work if it lampooned samurai films—they are, after all, inextricably tied to the western genre—but instead of hyper specific samurai film references it's... just generalized Asian gags? There's a great wall, a giant dragon boss fight, the environment is covered in bamboo shoots and lucky cats and zen gardens. And, oddly, this chapter is when the hordes of red (yes, Chief Wahoo level bright red) native american enemies encroach on the player.

It's... it's not even offensive so much as it's lazy with its humor. Just the most basic stereotypes you could imagine, with no clever spin or joke to it. It's the only part of the game where the humor made me roll my eyes rather than giggle. It's by far the weakest part of the game, and is luckily followed by a far better final chapter in which you fight the spirit of death itself.

This is, thankfully, mostly a very fun and funny game that I enjoyed quite a bit.

But I'm still not convinced you couldn't make this as good, if not better, on a controller—Panzer Dragoon manages it, after all—but I'm not exactly disappointed given that a used Kinect is now $10. RIP to anyone who shelled out $150 for a Kinect just to play this and Child of Eden a decade ago, though.

80s/early 90s anime is one of my favorite things, so a game trying to capture that look, combined with old-school shooter action, immediately caught my interest. Unfortunate, then, that it only half-commits to that aesthetic, while also being yet another Procedurally Generated Roguelike Slop-fest.

In Mullet Mad Jack, you run through floor after floor of the same rooms over and over, occasionally punctuated by a boss fight, while listening to some of the worst humor since High on Life. Do you like references? We've got Demolition Man, we've got Bane-posting, we've got RE4 Merchant lines that I forgot to screencap and I don't want to re-install the game!

The core concept is that you have 10 seconds to live, and killing enemies adds to your timer. This is because you're on a livestream and dopamine etc etc yadda yadda The Horrors of Capitalism because it's 2024 and everyone thinks they're fuckin Paul Verhoeven now by stomping this already well-trod ground into De Planet Corrrrre.

The time limit, however, means you have to always be moving forward. This also means the level "design", such as it is, can't be too complex. It's really just a series of hallways, some bigger than others, and they didn't even bother to make very many of them. You'll see the same very distinct rooms countless times, often several floors in a row. This, combined with how easy the game is on Normal (the Easy difficulty is named "I want a boomer shooter," as some weird dig at boomer shooters... But this game was easier than any boomer shooter I think I've ever played) mean you're just mindlessly blasting and holding Forward. Lasers are the most intimidating obstacle in the game, because they do a ton of damage, but you can also get an upgrade that halves that.

About the upgrades: You can pick from 3 every floor, and after 10 floors they reset except for your weapon (the weapons also appear in the upgrade screen). Just always make sure you get the shotgun, +max time, and increased chances for ricochets and enemies exploding. Those are really all you need, and you can cruise through. I never used any of the other weapons.

After yawning my way through 80 floors, I was surprised when the game just... Ended. I had assumed it would be 100, but I can't say I was sad that I wouldn't have to trudge through 20 more floors of rooms that I had already seen approximately 65 times so far. Then, to end things on a really great note, you have a final boss fight where your health is represented by a "badass-o-meter" and the last line is the same joke as the end of the Dan Aykroyd and Tom Hanks Dragnet movie.

2/10 - One grace point because sometimes there's stuff in here that looks pretty neat, even though other times it looks like art from a spinoff Meet N Fuck game.

PS: If you want something similar to this (as in, the game Mullet Mad Jack ripped off wholesale), I recommend checking out Post Void, which is 3 dollars at full price and also looks way cooler.

Simple, short (? unclear if there are a bunch of secrets left to find), incredibly moody and unique roguelike about trying not to shoot yourself in the head with a shotgun. Take a look at the trailer and you'll know if it's for you.

The low-fi horror look rocks. There's first person beer swigging and smoking. I won my first run at this game because I am the god of shooting myself in the head (or not shooting myself in the head, as the case may be?). Great experience.

Boring and runs like shit. Might be good for very small children, but this feels like a low-tier Kirby game in how easy and unengaging it is. Not surprising that it's from the makers of Epic Yawn, because this game also made me feel like I had just taken eight thousand milligrams of Ambien. I passed the controller to the Hat Man and he agreed that this was a lot of wasted potential.

I am not wasting my time with Fallout 4 anymore. Horrible game. Back to New Vegas.



Scorn is an uneven balance of Riven-like alien techno-puzzling and atmospheric existential horror akin to SOMA. The art is a perfect amalgamation of Giger & Beksiński, fleshy organic architecture amassed across the surface of a dying world. The first two-thirds present particularly engaging core puzzles, as you slowly unpick the purpose of the machines you are revving up, often leading to some sort of sacrifice of an innocent(?) being (ranging from tiny weird guys to enormous weird guys) in this abject world. The wordless communication of the narrative through exploration, the environment & your ritualistic puzzling is refreshing (in a time where many games won't. shut. up).

The alien life wandering the flesh-corridors are alluring at first, with some interesting behaviours ambivalent to, & decentering, the player. But their placement and the very awkward feeling combat generates annoyance rather than tension, a very clumsy implementation of what was probably envisioned as a ‘living’ world but grew smaller in scope as they struggled to bring this to release. This is most evident in the very dull final chapter where a (puzzle) boss and most puzzles are solved with blunt-force explosives. Despite my final impressions, Ebb has a really strong foundation here and I look forward to seeing how they grow.

The logline of Helldivers 2 is that a third-person shooter hasn't been this satisfying to play since Metal Gear Solid V. The things it does right sound simple, like your ability to dive to the ground and aim in any direction from a prone state, but their integration and the smoothness of how it all comes together is anything but common even in big titles in the genre. It's a level of polish that should be commonplace and rarely is.

All the way up to release I was skeptical of this game. I mean, how could the series survive a transition from top-down to high budget third-person shooting? Could a team the size of Arrowhead pull it off?

Well, they did. I've played a lot of third-person shooters and this is, on a moment to moment basis, one of the best feeling ones I've played.

All that needs to be said about how good this feels is that even when the servers were broken as shit my friends and I kept trying to play every day. No matter how long the queue was, it was worth it to get in and play. It's that good.

I've been distracted from it by Dragon's Dogma 2, but I've dumped 70 hours into this thing so far. I'll be back for more.

A Mercenaries-like game with the movement and shooting of MGSV, all in service of a persistent galactic war against Starship Troopers-style bugs and Terminators? Yes, please! More Jello, mom!

I'm not sure exactly how we got here from the top-down Helldivers 1, which I found to be fairly rote, with the emphasis on friendly fire being more frustrating than funny due to its perspective. When the trailer for this came out, it gave me flashbacks to Risk of Rain 2, one of the worst games I've played in recent memory. Thankfully, Arrowhead actually put some time into learning how third-person shooters work, and the gameplay loop is satisfying...

As long as you're using the right equipment.

See, the number one problem with the game now is balancing. There are like 3 actually viable weapons, and 4 or 5 viable stratagems (supply drops summoned by inputting a dpad code like you're playing DDR, and they can be extra weapons, like anti-tank rockets, emplacements/sentries, or artillery bombardments) at the time of writing. Most are useless at higher difficulties. Many of the stats shown on weapons and items are outright false.

This isn't a huge deal, as I'm sure it'll be fixed soon, now that they've ironed out the server issues that plagued the game at launch, and it is an entirely PvE game anyway. But it does go against the "use what you think is fun" mantra when I'm basically forced to use a Breaker and Railgun because the higher difficulties spam giant armored bugs at you and armor penetration doesn't seem entirely functional. I do find the Robutts much more fun to fight, anyway.

I'm having a great time with this. It seems there's much more that will be added soon, including mechs, and I'm interested to see where this goes considering the ongoing storyline aspect of it.

[DISCLAIMER: I have only played this with random people, with voice chat off. Sony's insistence on enabling the Dualsense mic by default, with little notification to the player, always results in a ton of godawful noise if you have voice chat on. Also, the only person I know that would play this with me refuses to buy it because he's busy with Crisis On Infinite Aeriths. I'm out here spreading Democracy by myself. And I'm loving every minute of it.

UPDATE: Score (8/10) removed because the recent patch has completely fucked things up. Will update this and add rating again when the dust settles because this might be another Evil Dead situation.

UPDATE 4/30/24 - Settling on a 5/10 for now, as the developers continually tinker with things, often making them worse. Maybe instead of releasing a new battle pass that has One useful item in it every month they should focus on fixing the goddamn bugs that only get more prevalent with every patch.

12 years on from the strange, incomplete original, DD2 is more of the same, uneasily sitting between the uncompromising Souls series & more conventional narrative ARPGs. At times evoking a desolate offline MMO, DD2 is at its best when out in the wilds, the sun setting at your back & two or more beasts landing on the path ahead, all Arising out of dynamic systems.

The main questline unfortunately does not play to these strengths, with much of Act I confined to the capital & some really dull writing. Fortunately, writing does not maketh a game, and side-quests that take you out into the unreasonably huge map are much more interesting, and really need to be sought out in the crowds and corners of the world. Keeping track of these with the bizarre quest tracker is uneven and obtuse: you’re either reading the landscape and tracing clues or just beating your head against a wall figuring out what the game requires of you.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is singular, not quite fully realised, a beautifully rendered physics-heavy oddity. The art direction is profoundly generic, but so deceptively understated it at times resembles a Ray Harryhausen film, full of weight, movement and character. DD2 makes you feel like you have friends, albeit stupid friends, who'd throw themselves off a cliff for a view of yonder.

WarioWare as a light-gun game. Hell, it's WarioWare almost a full decade before the first WarioWare. Just a rapid fire succession of short, wacky minigames all designed around your light-gun peripheral. You have 2 seconds to shoot the correct stuffed animal. You have 10 seconds to shoot as many criminal targets as you can, but don't hit the civilians! Shoot this car 50 times to blow it up like in Street Fighter. Shoot the meteors before they hit you! Over 70 variations of how to shoot at the screen in different, wild ways.

What makes Point Blank 1 special above all else, though, is the adventure mode they added to the home release. It's a full blown RPG/adventure game with an overworld to explore, NPCs to interact with, and the minigames functioning as its battle system. Accosted by an enemy in a "random battle"? You'll play one of the 70 minigames in Point Blank. Succeed and you'll gain some experience, money, and maybe even an item. Fail and you'll take some health damage.

It's a brilliant way to repackage and reuse the minigames in a new form for the home release. This adventure mode is one of the best things I've ever played with a light-gun and I wish there were a dozen more games like.

yuffie is cool and really fun to play but she reads more as a sort of feral creature in the original, as opposed to an ambitious stinker here, which i think i prefer

action is decent; pretty similar to ff16 tbh and feels good to play even on the switch. shame about the levels, pace, writing, performances, cut scenes, etc. not to mention the utter lack of WHIMSY which really defined ff7 for me tonally; the awful zack humor is not cutting it i’m sorry. game basically sucks whenever you aren’t chopping up 100 guys. the aerith levels…god. and even when you are fighting the amount of essentially empty corridors it makes you walk through between encounters can be insane. at its best as an action experience when replaying levels or doing side missions but the main story wasn’t inspiring me to spend more time with the game than was necessary to roll credits so i didn’t do much of that. the way it handles the very last beat is kinda interesting, tho, i’ll give it to them there

Much less of a game ass game than its sequel, but a set of aesthetic and spacial experiments. Its just as playful, but nowhere near as fun.

Great feeling game and great levels. Really looking forward to playing the dev's other stuff.