What a strong opening to this series. Suffers from a little bit of plot contrivance, lack of enemy variety and some underwhelming boss design but there is so much to love here. Every part of this game is at worst acceptable and at best outstanding.

The one that started the Far Cry template. I’m seeing a lot of push back against Far Cry 3 at the moment. It’s true that it hasn’t aged as well as classics of the time, but I found it to be a solid, enjoyable experience. It’s not gourmet steak, but it’s still damn good. A solid 7.5/10.

Wow. The atmosphere. Just wow. Holds up extremely well for a 17 year old game. My only criticisms would be that it goes on for a little too long (did we really need an escort quest at the end?) and the Vita-Chamber system kinda robs the encounters of some of the tension. Nevertheless, the atmosphere, environmental storytelling, solid shooting and plasmid mechanics and fantastic audio design make this an absolute classic.

I’m not sure what to say about this game. The fun play is solid, the setting drips with atmosphere, and there is a clear vision that they were going for. On the other hand, the voice actors sound like they are being held at gunpoint. I’m glad I played. I might never play it again.

Honestly not sure what all the hate was about back in the day. It’s more Arkham, but that’s no bad thing. Apart from a few muddy textures, it still looks great 10 years later. Great performances from the cast, great boss battles, some good side missions and more super refined Batman Arkham gameplay. It’s not quite up to the level of City or Asylum, but it was an absolute treat to play from start to finish.

Undoubtedly the best of the Hitman games to date at the time it of release. The scale of the levels (for 2006), the increased number of ways you can assassinate targets, the graphics and presentation, all of it has gone up a level. Still annoyances here and there (Screw requiem) but overall a great title.

Good clean (dirty) fun. Personally I think it was an improvement on Silent Assassin with multiple quality of life tweaks and a graphical upgrade.