Bros will buy the game with scantily clad anime girls plastered all over it and complain that there are scantily clad anime girls plastered all over it. I just wanna ask what the fellas in the backloggd reviews were expecting when buying said game. This is the equivalent of some fella lookin at a war shooter and getting upset that it's indeed a war shooter but buying it anyways and complaining about that fact as if they didn't know exactly what they were getting into. I don't care how good the reviews are for said game, people should be able to recognize when something is clearly not made for them. (and also recognize that steam reviews normally don't mean shit in the first place)

Ignoring the weirdos that are upset about this and bought the game anyways, the gameplay here is good, very good, my favorite gameplay in fact. As someone who adores both platformers of the metroidvania variety and bullet hells this becomes something special with how it blends these two genres together perfectly. It really says a lot about a game's quality when I ACTUALLY want to go through the entire "beat difficulty to unlock higher difficulty" fiasco, something I didn't even do in something as good as DMC5. Also the boss fights are kinda phenomenal, they're very distinct from one another, have an absurd amount of attacks which constantly keeps them fresh, feel very fair despite the difficulty, and there's more than 30 of them lmao. The ost is also great with "Finale" being one of my favorite final boss tracks ever. overall a good time.

tldr game is very good but it attracts animephobic weirdos despite the very obvious exterior, obviously don't play this if you are for some reason scared of scantily clad anime girls like so many people in the backloggd reviews clearly are.

Edit after playing the Tevi demo: ANYBODY who likes this game needs to hop on Tevi, it's a spiritual successor to Rabi Ribi and is a perfect evolution of it. I very easily see it dethroning Rabi Ribi as my favorite game ever if it even matches the quality of the demo. The wait for Tevi's full release will be a difficult one... November 29th bros...

Reviewed on Aug 01, 2023


10 months ago

There's an entire class of people who buy and play open world games simply to hate on them. I don't understand.
That being said, I would never play this game. It looks cringe af.

10 months ago

Can't stand overly anime stuff but if the game is good, I'll give it a try.

10 months ago

for what it's worth i'm not "anime-phobic" in the slightest and i still think the drawn art here looks like total shit. the characters could straight up have their tits out and i'd care less as long as the art actually appealed to me. either way, i don't see why that means someone shouldn't play the game if they like the way the actual game looks and/or feels

10 months ago

also @moister my dude you have megaten games in your favorites and you adore megaman x. using "anime" as a term to describe japanese shit you don't like is madly off-base. magical girls aren't any more or less anime than dragon ball z

10 months ago

@chandler I'm saying that it's weird as fuck to complain about when it's plastered all over the game as if you didn't know what you were getting into, I can at the very least understand not liking the art itself though even if it's something I myself like quite a bit.

10 months ago

personally i think it was genius that this game threw in minimum-effort titillation because thanks to that no one ever mentions how bad every other aspect of the visual design is (or the parts where it tries to give you a seizure)

10 months ago

Chandler he said "overly" anime stuff...something like xenoblade 2 or what have you, you missed a word lol

10 months ago

@CNM you are part of the problem

10 months ago


10 months ago

@chandler You should've catch what I said when I said "overly", my dude.

It's just that there is so much games plastered with this artstyle for easy weeb bait, for good and bad. I'm glad the game has a good reception though. Just don't blame people for thinking differently just because of the game cover (or the game itself). There is a good reason this ain't mainstream.

10 months ago

@Moister hello G4

10 months ago

@moister @cnm again - what you categorize as weeb bait (a valid term because you're describing an actual audience) is no more "overly anime" or even trope-y than what dragon ball z is for shounen power fantasy

calling something "overly anime" is shallow and buzzword-y. it stems from the same xenophobic sentiments that shit like x-play perpetuated in the 2000s. there is more to anime than the aspects you don't like - as evidenced by the anime that you do like. just describe your sentiments with words that don't ignorantly disparage a whole medium

10 months ago

@CNM to quote chandler "using "anime" as a term to describe japanese shit you don't like is madly off-base. magical girls aren't any more or less anime than dragon ball z", the term "overly anime" means nothing and only shows you have no idea what you're talking about. Also using XC2 as an example for "overly anime" is funny af when you have XC1 in your favs, a game much more guilty of abusing common anime tropes used by popular shounen anime.

10 months ago

i take back what i said bro i get the point of this review now

10 months ago

@chandler You already get the point I'm getting at, you're just bitching around the word I put to it at this point.

Besides, I don't watch much anime as of now anyways. It ain't my thing. All I said is "If the game is good, I'll try it. Regardless of the artstyle"

Whatever, I'm done disscussing. Have fun.

10 months ago


10 months ago

Overally anime as in the bad aspects, xenoblade 2 is like that with the bad aspects like the horniness and terrible designs

10 months ago

@moister dont mind him man

10 months ago

@moister wait you have saya no Uta at a 9, doesnt that have a bunch of degen shit 😭

10 months ago

i'm arguing semantics because said semantics have xenophobic origins and are shitty to perpetuate. praise what you like and shit on what you don't like. but don't fall for the same bullshit adam sessler and company perpetuated with g4 in the era where they thought it was cool to say that "japan became a real country after we nuked them" on national tv

10 months ago

Dont think they were at all

10 months ago

@CNM I'm not into degen stuff lol

But I supossed uh, it was something to...learn I guess. Otherwise I wouldn't have shared it here.

10 months ago

@cnm just say the bad aspects then instead of being vague and disparaging 🤯

10 months ago

Ion even know what this game is lol but this comment section wild

10 months ago

do not interact with CNM, that mfer talks too fucking much

10 months ago

yup, i keep them on block, too irritating otherwise

10 months ago

Neva knew mr reyn/cnm was such a controversial figure on

10 months ago

This comment was deleted

10 months ago

yeah i be living rent free pt, its funny