One of the best Action/Adventure game of its generation.
With 16:9 support, 60fps, impressive graphics and a really smooth combat. It's a masterpiece as a video-game and also as a technical piece.

It adds a lot to the 2004 version, and each difficulty is different when it's about the placement of ennemies, new spawns, the order of unlockables, the price of items in the shop so you need to manage your money well, and new bosses!
They also added a mission mode outside of the stoy mode, you can finish challenges and such, and unlock a new costume.

Even though I call it a masterpiece, its main problem is still the camera. It's not horrible, but it's not good either. You will need and have to learn how to use it properly through the game.

Don't wait, it's available on every Xbox gen possible.

Just... horribly boring.
The game totally ruins the DNA and the purpose of the original version.

First of all, why the stupid blood censorship? (they didn't hesitated to add sixaxis on girls chests, hmpf, double standards)

Secondly, there are barely any enemies in the game. The number is so toned down, it gets boring, because the gameplay of Ryu isn't meant for such small numbers.
As a counterpart, they increased the enemy's health and the damage they deal (a one shot from a grab?!). Amazing game design from them, wow.

Also, the game completely ruins the flow of the gameplay by forcing you to play Rachel and Momiji, such forgettable parts. Ayane is decent at least.

Anyway, the added features doesn't totally save the removed ones. If you have an xbox360 or higher at hand, do the original instead. It's totally crazy

The progress is very easy but this game just wants you to have fun

-Good soundtrack
-Nice map
-Enjoyable story and dialogue
-Gameplay is correct

But what tanks the rating so much for me ?
The really bad backtracking and exploration. I never minded backtracking (in fact I like when game does it properly) but this one was so infuriating sometimes especially when you need to guess which fckng card works for a door.

Also the puzzles...literally "you have to know it" moments.

In a short note, the gameplay is better than JSRF definitely. But JSRF has more stuff/content.
That doesn't stop BRC being an amazing game that it is. The gameplay mixes JSRF with Tony Hawk PS by adding the manual mechanic to chain tricks. The only disappointing part about the gameplay would be the lack of grind tricks or satisfying effects about them.

The maps are well designed and inspired a LOT by JSRF, but they're also thought for the Manual mechanic by having long flat zones.

Story was whatever, ok I guess.
But in conclusion, it is overall a great game with devs that knew what they were doing and knew their stuff about Jet Set Radio. Definitely a must play

Even though it was janky at times, the immersive sim aspect of it was amazing.
I prefer Citadel Station, but exploring the Von Braun was memorable, it got its annoying moment, sure, but you really feel like stuck in space against two AI and monsters.
And that ending was definitely worth it ahaha

I'd have given 4 stars but the framerate just not it. The best version is on XB Series
For me that's where they did modern Sonic levels just right. Not too easy, not too short and not being 99% 2.5D sections.
Eggmanland was the challenge I wished for so long in a Modern Sonic game.
Since people complained about those in Unleashed, we got the results in later games (Generations, Forces, Cyberspace) where the levels are just ridiculously easy and short ( you can finish them under 1min or less), and since Sonic Team didn't wanted to try new things anymore, we're stuck with the same re-used levels.
In Unleashed, the levels and their environment is really varied, and colorful. The level design of the modern stages are reallyfun and engaging with a good mix of 3D and 2.5D.

Wherehog is just fine, a god of war clone, but some parts in his levels are questionable (mostly when it comes to platforming). I can't really recommend it with that kind of framerate. Definitely go for the next gen version.
I also like the fact they made those level longer and you just chilling doing them. Though the music getting cut off because of fights can be very frustrating.

Also the game has cool hubs and you can unlock secret levels !

In short, that's one of the most complete and fun (but sometimes frustrating) Modern Sonic game you can experience (by modern I mean ps3/360 gen and higher).


I just discovered it recently, and it is amazing.
The tracks are so fun and well designed, they're also impressive to look at. It's made with a lot of exaggeration on jumps, ramps, and events on the tracks. For real if you just want to have fun go for it

Masterpiece is finding out there are other sports available than just swordplay 😯

A remake of DOA2 that came out after 3. So the gameplay is slower than 3 sadly but the rest? Just amazing. The game have the boss as a playable character, Hitomi if you have a doa3 save. The game uses the og xbox's power for these amazing visuals for its time. Even you'd be surprised.
I never seen a 3D fighting game with such detailed stages, they're big and have many layers! You can fall on so many locations, and you can notice such impressive details on them.
They made like 5 versions of one stage just for the boss fight that has the ability to change the season and scenery of the stage.
Anyways, a shame the xbox live doesn't work on it no more, because it's an amazing 3D fighting game, with satisfying gameplay, animations and pretty visuals.

It's a very fun experience and Nolan North does an amazing job voicing Wade.

Bro think he's the Stanley parable narrator 🤣

Anyway, if you like perspective stuff and the movie Inception, this game is for you. Gimmicks there and there...

As for a puzzle game, lot of them were pretty mediocre, it's mostly a contemplative game for me

What a p*ssy does to a mf.

Cool story, but the game could really benefit of some QoL. The camera wasn't really comfortable to play with, slow movement, and some confusing gimmick bosses.

Usual collectathon.
It starts to drag on even though the levels are really well crafted. The woods level was annoying, but the final level was pretty original.
It was ok.

Good design and smooth animations. Although it needs more features and should show the exploding mines faster.