A love letter to both fans of Star Wars and fans of the Lego Star Wars video games, takes the already fun and simple formula of the original games and brings it to the modern Lego era giving a rather impressive open environment to explore featuring all the iconic planets and locations of the franchise and a large variety of different characters to play as.

Adapting the 9 film saga the game has fun with itself never taking it too seriously giving multiple extremely comedic moments adding a fun angle to the story everyone already knows, multiple laugh out loud moments that you’d expect from Lego Star Wars, I was surprisingly really entertained by the voiced characters here, I always loved the mumbling of the old games they allowed for very unique moments of Visual comedy and I thought the voice acting in this new game just wouldn’t hit the same but thankfully I was wrong, the voice acting is not only great here but the actual writing is very great and fits the game’s tone perfectly and there’s always the mumble mode for people who want to experience the game in that way, so glad they included that as I’ll definitely use it next play though.

The presentation here is absolutely perfect, the sound design in particular, they completely nailed it, the sounds of the lightsabers, the sounds of the weapons, the droids, the ships, it all sounds 100 percent like Star Wars and the atmosphere and look of it all is on par as well, the music is what you expect, it’s pretty much the score of the 9 movies and it’s oh so good, I’ve always loved the score to this saga so I have absolutely no complaints in terms of score.

All 9 films were done well, Revenge of the Sith and Empire were definitely my favorites though, I really love all the references and fan service, it’s so nice seeing Star Wars in the hands of people who genuinely loves it. This game really united the fandom and that’s rare for this franchise, felt magical in a weird way.

Thought this was a really cool addition to the base game adding a new storyline, while short it’s really fun and adds a bit to the world of this game, also giving us some interesting new characters and a really beautiful new section of the map to explore

Yeeeep after 10 years it’s still Skyrim

Definitely a massive step up from whatever the hell they were doing with Halo 5. Fantastic game, some of the levels get a bit repetitive and the open world really lacks a lot of depth, but I really enjoyed the direction they went with the story and characters, and of course the gameplay is as fun as always.

Even though I played the remaster, it definitely shows its age in a few places, but it doesn’t at all take away from how fantastic this game is. One of the best games I’ve played in awhile and I’m so excited to play 2 and 3.

Kinda wish it had the multiplayer of MW 2, but I’m perfectly fine with just the campaign. MW 2 is easily a childhood classic for me and the remaster makes it just as amazing as I thought it was in 2009.