425 Reviews liked by AlexTheGerman

Maybe the real Miracle was the game I played along the way.
It pulled me in like an alive painting and held my attention captive with eery mysteries and gorgeous vistas until the very end.
In short - a grand victory.
With a formula this refined, all I now need... is more.


The ability to choose one of the three obtainable weapons during the tutorial is genius. It helps make the first stretch of the game a lot more exciting when you know that your ability to access certain items is all thanks to the decisions you made. It also helps that all three weapons are fantastic. While my favorite were the lightning daggers, I found myself switching between all three regularly.

Very good sequel with many good QoL changes and new mechanics, better than the first game imo. If you liked Blasphemous 1, you'll most likely like this one.

Blasphemous 2 is significantly better than the original, making any issues I had feel like nitpicks. It kind of has the Dark Souls 2 problem where most of the bosses are relatively normal swordsman and dudes in armor. I wanted more freaky shit like the baby that rips you in half. To be honest, the imagery overall feels a bit toned down from the first one.

All that said, it plays so much better that it’s hard to be disappointed. The Miracle granted me double jumps and an air dash so I can handle a bit less gore.

This game is more Blasphemous with some improvements and I love it. More weapons, more variety, more items, more awesome areas and bosses, more weird lore, and more Christian mythology and Andalusian culture as inspirations (there's a boss here that I know is going to blow every Spanish person's mind). I know the good ending pretty much closes the story neatly but man I need more Blasphemous in my life.

it improves everything about the best game, it's a totally different game, one was pure trash the other one a gem, good job

The basic framework of this game makes for a much better experience than the first game. However, a few design choices even it out for me. First of all, the added emphasis on the weapons deepens the combat significantly. The selection is versatile and offers three relatively unique styles. Similarly great is the movement. Having a metroidvania without most of the common traversal options can work (and it does in Blasphemous 1). To me, though, a well implemented double jump and air dash always make the experience more satisfying. The bosses are mostly a huge improvement as well and work splendidly in tandem with the new movement and combat to make for a way faster, more intense approach than the first game. Now for the complaints: Firstly, this game has the same problem as Symphony of the Night in that it gives you way too few i-frames when you get hit, leading to situations where you get rallied back and forth between enemies until you're close to death or worse. This issue is exacerbated by the many, many enemy gauntlets where you get locked in a room until either you or everything else in it is dead. These rooms come off as a cheap excuse not to design more actual level. More often than not they come out of nowhere when you 're already low on heals and kill you right before the next checkpoint, leading to frustration. The new guilt system is just baffling to me. I wonder if the devs ever heard the phrase "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Having to run off to pay an NPC during boss attempts just to not have an instant handicap after a few deaths is just anti-fun. It adds nothing to the game and is purely annoying. Lastly, and this is a nitpick, I prefer the old cutscenes for fitting the tone better than the ones here.

overall big improvements from first game to this in gameplay and art except theres a lot of reused enemies from the first game and the new enemies having reskins with just a different attack element. beads have the same problem as well, theres like 30 beads but actual power ups are 10, theres not much build you can do. (it goes level 1 fire resitance, level 2, level 3 ect.) finding some new item and seeing it being the same is not the problem but it being so many times is in my opinion. and because of this system you can cheese bosses and they lose their challenge. for example in mid-end game lets say youre about to fight a boss that uses only lightning attacks, you can just equip 3 of the lightning resistance beads and have 6 lightning resistance, go in the boss room and just tank all of its attacks. (it doesnt work on last boss tho thats neat) other cons it has is some enemy replacements are frustrating and bullshit. being locked up in a small room and having to deal with same three enemy that have dash and high attack speed (skeletons that have candle as weapon) just gets you stuck and you just die.

still a time spent good tho recommend

Wow. What a game. The change of having 3 weapons really stepped up my enjoyment vs the first one. I loved the traversal with the lightning mirrors.

Almost all of these types of games make me just want to play more Slay The Spire. It's definitely good though.

Abandon Reason: With a roguelike, you want your runs to be fairly short. Unfortunately it took almost 6 hours to get to the final boss, only to realise my cards were absolutely useless.

making peopel shoot each other is a pretty good strategy

Oh. My. God. Where do I start...

INSIDE is a great and coherent game with lots of well-designed puzzles and, let's call them, "action segments."

The difficulty is just right for this type of game. Sometimes it can be challenging and make you pause for a moment, but usually, the solutions are easy (and fun!) to find.

The movement of the main character is well-executed and really comfortable.

The world-building deserves separate praise. It has everything you need to fully immerse yourself in the game. Amazing ambiance? Yes. Almost seamless transitions between locations? You got it! Things happening in the background? Absolutely!

Honestly, I don't know if I can say anything negative about it.

In conclusion - GO AND PLAY IT RIGHT NOW!

Since I don't really know what to say, I'll just say it's phenomenal and leave it at that.