I played this game when i had 9-10 years old with a friend in school back in 2006, i just complete the game about 2 hours ago and i feel nostalgic. Its an amazing game, great lore, incredible characters. Its a unique game, not the best of rockstar, but one of the bests.

Everyone hate this game because its all broken, and they are right. But i liked it, at least for me it was funny, i enjoy it, the gameplay, the shooter, the motorcycle missions, the soundtrack.

It's a incredible game to play with your friends... if you have one.

I think this game stupid, because it is a bad copy of the Postal dude, but you only got 3 weapons and thats all. He tried to be more violent but we all are used to this violence.

I've played the world most violent games my entire life, and i must say this is the most violent, gruesome and wrong game i ever played. In this game you have to kill hundreds of innocent people, inclunding the police. You will use pistols, machine guns, shotguns and flame thrower. And also this game have the most brutal lore i saw.

I liked this game as much i liked Manhunt 1, but the gameplay have some diferences. This game you will use more guns than other weapons and the executions realy are more violent, but this dont make the make more violent by itself. In manhunt 1 James cash was a criminal in a sort o sick game with other psychos, in manhunt 2 Daniel lamb is normal guy with psycho inside his head controling him so his not a bad guy at all. Manhunt 1 have more gangs and the game become more difficult by the way and have memorables enemies. I like the both of them, one of the most violent games i ever play.

It took me years to play this game, but i never knew why exactly... I already knew that i would like to play this game for the violence and the lore. Is a very good game, is dark and morbid, only people who like this kind of thing would like to play this game today, because its release in 2003. It's a game that competes in violence and gameplay with Postal 2.

I used to play this as a child, but i only play in easy mode, when a grow up i played on medium, than i realize how difficult this game is. But worth if, this game is amazing and challeging, you will fight with monster with no mercy and gonna laugh a lot.

This is basically a dark souls with guns.
The gameplay is simple and even better.

I like this game beacuse he's wrong, political...
Its violent, gross, and fun, a lot. You can simple do the normal things in life like buy a milk in some store, or star a killing spree.

For me, this is the best Mortal Kombat game, because its different from others, the coop gameplay is awesome, i dont remeber seeing another fight game where you and your mate can fight with monsters.

There's is not much thing to talk about it...
Just is my favorite game of all, beacuse you kill demons with a axe and a guitar while listen to heavy metal. I have played over and over again, the only negative point about it is this game is short, you can beat it less than 9 hours.

One of my favorite games from my favorite character.
The punisher is a very violent game when you have to kill and even torture some of the scum thugs, and the main character is voiced by the Thomas Jane itself, the real punisher movie.

For me, this is the best game from Ubisoft, i didnt play a lot of games back in when was release, but this... It was amazing, the beaches and mountains are beautiful, the game has a lot of action and violence, its like beeing rambo or predator, is by far the best Farcry

Beat this game almost make tears on my eyes, because the games its awesome, but very difficult, patience is essencial in this game, otherwise you will not complete it. Everthing is good, the gameplay, the cenario, the music, the boss fight, everyone should experience it.