13 reviews liked by Alrios

This game requires a special relationship with someone. My spouse and I had a great time but I cannot imagine playing it with anyone else.

This game has some real cool ideas for online gaming, but no one really cared about so I think it's dead

God I loved this game when I could still play it... I've had so much fun with all of the different characters and maps, even though I usually never play MOBAs. It was pure and simple fun to me. The presentation was top-notch as well, Gigantic looked and sounded amazing! Life was good, when Gigantic came out...

It's really weird that we live in a time where games like these can just... die out... Even if you payed for it, it's gone now. There may just be a lesson to be learned here about the fleeting nature of time and... things.

No one can play Gigantic anymore and it makes me so sad.

pouring one out for my homeboy. taken from us too soon.

this game did not deserve death.

What do you mean look at it through the tree.

i kind of like the mechanic of laying thread down, but the puzzles are hard (thanks for the hint options!) and the idea of doing like.... 100? 200? of these back to back makes me want to put the game down for a very long time.

Played for about an hour, and it became immediately apparent that this is basically a sci-fi Genshin reskin. Down to the UI layout, cutscenes still being unskippable and the same shitty gacha system that seldom gives you actual characters. I know for a fact that this is a game that, like Genshin, will not respect anyone's time, asking you to spend days gathering space mushrooms or some bollocks just to be granted the privelege of being able to level up characters in a turn based RPG. Obviously, I don't know that last bit for sure, but seeing how derivative the game is of Genshin in the first hour, I don't think it's unfounded, and my patience has its limits.

This is typical gacha slop wherein the waifu slot machine was designed first, and then the game around it, made to get you addicted and waste as much of your time as possible. But people are going to eat it up anyway and act like this kind of game design is actually good and acceptable.


holy shit guys just please play any other turn based rpg I don't care if "you don't like turn based combat but this game is good!" there're infinitely better entry-level rpgs/rpgs that appeal to people who don't like the genre I'm on my knees