An incredible intro sequence paves the way to a great midgame, that kind of falls apart at the end (like many ImSims). Figuring out creative ways to bypass enemies and get into places by using your environment and some simple tools is an absolute joy. Unfortunately, as you gain skills and powers, you increasingly bypass these more esoteric solutions by simply hacking a console or lifting a piece of cargo. Still, the game is worth it for the incredible intro and the first few hours, and while the last third isn't quite as good, it's still worth completing.

Having never played the original, this is a great way to experience its strong suits - exploring the station without handholding, relying on the player to make connections and understand how to proceed. Combat is greatly enhanced by juggling different ammo types and other resources (though in the end there's probably too much ammo around), and every new weapon feels like a great addition to your arsenal. Biggest issues are some excessive backtracking on certain station levels (a strategically placed door locked from one side could have saved a lot of wasted time on the executive level) and managing the recycling of junk items is tedious and ultimately pointless - just scrap everything, and you'll have more money than you can spend.

Somewhat reminiscent of Mount & Blade, this game is appealing at first, but loses its charm through repetitiveness and a lack of interesting combat encounters. Choosing adaptive difficulty feels like treading water, while picking region-specific difficulty removes all urgency and turns it into a grind.

Great visual design and fun action, but this type of auto-battler was simply not for me.