Huge upgrade to Frequency. Great music selection but gameplay has some flaws. If the reboot doesn't have what you're looking for music wise this one's for you and if the reboot does have songs you enjoy play this one too because the variety is great.

Best gameplay in the series but the song variety is rough. If you like the music than you'll love this game. It's incredibly satisfying and a blast to playthrough. One of my favorite rhythm games.

This game takes evverything from 2016 and improves on it and it's exactly what a modern Doom game should be. Fast Paced, Gorgeous Visuals, Great Soundtrack, and most important of all is finding the perfect mix of making you feel unstoppable without being easy. The resource management in this game is perfect for keeping you on your toes and the new forms of movement are a great addition. A few minor complaints are the lack of variety in glory kills (bringing all of the 2016 ones over would be nice), the online gets old quick and needed multiple game modes, and what it does it does really well but since it doesn't change too much you might get tired of it before the end.

The only first person puzzler that can stand up to the Portal series and even beat it. This is a must play for any puzzle fan and will always be one of my favorites. One of the few games that truly makes you think whether it's the philosophies it presents or the tough as nails puzzles. Only complaint is completion. The collectables in this game are a bit excessive. While some of the stars make you think outside of the box others are way too difficult and if you've tried to earn them on your own you'll know what I mean. And getting all the text files is just an extremely long chore. If you play this just focus on finishing it. The DLC is great too btw.

Everything good about Rayman in one package. No complaints.

My favorite game in the SMT franchise. Music is a gift from god, story is great, absolute eye candy, and a very well rounded experience. I do have a couple complaints. The game encourages you to finish palaces ASAP but this causes a really boring time in between palaces. The time outside of palaces is still fun but with no breakup in gameplay it gets a bit un interesting. To solve this they introduced Mementos which is a randomly generated dungeon similar to how previous entries have played but the reason it fails is because there's nothing to encourage you to keep going. (I will say this is solved in P5R but personally I think P5 is the better experience) The persona series has always been easier than the mainline games but this one is noticeably easier but for the majority a bump up to hard is all you'll need. A must play.

Decent game. If you're a fan of the series you'll have fun here if not it's kinda meh.

By far the worst in the series (ignoring mobile and 3DS games). Rushed, soulless, and a chore to get through. Only redeeming factor is the amazing character roster. The imaginators are fun to make and use and a lot of the senseis are great too. Ambush, Wolfgang, and King Pen being some notable ones. If only the game they were in was worth the time.

As good as a fruit ninja can be

This game gets too much hate. I had a ton of fun with it especially when playing with friends.


Drop down from the walking dead but if you like batman it's definitely worth the playthrough.

One of telltales best. Must play if you enjoy visual novels.

One of the better portable lego games but still just another lego game in the end.