The kind of game that brings the equal amount of fun memories and the most rage inducing objectives to ever have to go through in a game.

Maybe I just suck, but the final mission had me going to the Gameshark in desperation.

Yet somehow, the most memorable Simpsons game I can think of in comparison to the many failed attempts prior.

Story: ★★★★

The best tie-in game for a movie that was never made, Everything or Nothing is a proper send off to Brosnan's tenure of Bond than Die Another Day.

After the clunky reception of Tomorrow Never Dies on PS1, EA jumps to the N64 as Eurocom comes in to take control in what began a golden age of James Bond games.

Gameplay wise, hella good like THUG 1 but the story loses me. The adventuring with the Jackass crew really conflicts with the focus of skateboarding.

It's free so that your money is spent on the micro transactions.

Story: ★★½

The best way to play Heavy Rain is by passing the controller with friends to see who fucks up the most.

I suck at this game. But like the art direction and characters.

Story: ★★★★

A near perfect game. The only issue with The Outer Worlds is it's too short.

While it's fun to see the game lifted to the N64's engine, it's still inferior to it's PS1 counterpart. Weak port.

Destroying a Russian burger joint is a war crime.

SNES - Decent port though loses alot of the cool effects from the arcade.