By this point, it's like as if they gave up. Each stage is practically recycled assets from previous installments.

Story: ★★★★½

THIS is how you do a movie tie-in game.

Faithful to the movie and expands the universe within it. Fun fighting mechanics and a killer soundtrack.

Story: ★★★

Fun but oh my God is this game broken.

I can't lie. I liked this one. The first person perspective provided startling reactions of fear behind every corner.

I look back at this game with rose tinted glasses for speeding through New York and London...

...but boy does driving in this game feel like you're getting hit by a bus.

Was underwhelming but well worth trying out.

What made Dead Rising 1 so great was the PERFECT balance of horror and humor.

By 2, you see a greater shift toward it's humor and I think it really misses the mark.

You play Undertale for the experience.

Multiplayer is always fun... or painful.

One of my personal favorites in the series. It's a shame there's no multiplayer as handhelds are limited.