The ultimate sandbox game where the skybox is the limit.

Story: ★★★★★

How I wish THIS was the fourth Indy movie.

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is an original adventure developed by the guys over at LucasArts. A cinematic point and click adventure utilizing the SCUMM engine, Indy must prevent the Nazis from advancing on what is led to believe as Atlantean technology which could give the Third Reich the upper hand as WW2 nears.

You'll find yourself in awe of the design and creativity put into Atlantis itself, wishing to see it brought to life in a live-action movie. There's so much character in those aspects alone.

As an original journey, it exceeds in nailing every aspect of what makes a perfect Indiana Jones story. Only issue is the lack of people Indy mows down like in the movies, but I’m sure it’d be hard to replicate that bloodshed in hardware at the time.

With most point and click adventures, I must resort to a guide, as without it I'd be stuck and frustrated in trying to continue. Many may say this lessens an overall impact in experiencing it, but I beg to differ. This game does require you to take notice of hints in lines of dialogue and visual cues in your environment.

It’s perhaps more true to being Indiana Jones in that vein, as to experience his perspective, you’d wanna be mindful of each step you take, lest you end up dead in a booby trap because you weren’t as careful.

Whether the genre appeals or doesn’t, it’s worth it for how swell of a fulfilling story it has.

Both timeless and revolutionary, Tetris is not only a defining feat in video games, but is so in the very concept of games in all recorded history.

It is as iconic as chess or cards.

Story: ★★★★★

One of the freshest entries into survival horror in a really long time. Signalis goes beyond the realm of horror to tell an emotionally captivating story within its fun gameplay and graphical style reminiscent of the PS1 era.

It fails to deliver anything to improve on GoldenEye to the point it's enveloped by it's shadow. A wonky beginning on EA's beginnings with the James Bond license, but very quickly would they be improved upon after.

Hillary would've won if she campaigned on Cheeseburger Freedom Man's platform of gay weed and saving the bees.

A rather fun yet dated arcade sandbox of mayhem and destruction calling for a revolution.

Not bad. A simply below average movie tie-in that feels like a teaser for what we'd get in Spider-Man 2.

Story: ★★½

It was ambitious in every way bringing an OG in the genre to a new generation with mechanics aimed to make the player think and strategize in a true challenge in survival horror.

However, it falls beneath the cracks of a poorly optimized foundation littered in technical issues that create a less than enjoyable experience.

Truly disappointing.

Perhaps it's something about the drab visual style it carried with other games of the time, or more so the lack of good memories I had playing with others, Brawl never stayed with me in good taste.

Watched a friend play a level with Silver and somewhere in my mind I just blurted out "Man, it'd suck if you died right now."

What followed was a platforming section where the camera blocked his view of each platform, resulting him to fall to his death.

Every bit of disdain this game received is justified in the rushed mess of bugs and janky gameplay littered throughout.

It was a short-lived fad, nothing to come back to after you've exhausted answering every possible question.

Absolute perfection. We ♥ Katamari takes everything that made the first one great and expands on it from every single aspect that you could possibly imagine.

I remember roaming a GameStop a long time ago, looking at the titles through out an isle and the cover of Katamari Damacy getting my attention. From that night forward, it was one of the best blind buys I ever bought.

Wholly original in concept, it's a one of a kind experience as you roll up this sticky ball that grows bigger and bigger collecting small household objects to entire backyards, towns, cities and continents, all of the varying sizes rebuilding a darkened solar system with new stars and constellations.

With such a joyous soundtrack and gameplay that has you coming back to beat your previous rolls, Katamari Damacy is an absolute classic.

Story: ★★½

When you compare it to how expansive Saints Row 2 was, Saints Row: The Third is more of a downgrade.