I wanted to be MechWarrior so bad...

It tries, and it's interesting, but like most Star Trek games it has a hard time reaching that next level to a fun video game.

This title was so finicky about entering commands at the right time to progress, and did a lousy job of communicating when you needed to do it.

This game is extremely basic, but if you love flight sims, this is right up your alley. Best played with a 6-button Genesis controller, as they add controls to roll the ship. Bonus points for the 3rd person replay after of your last playthrough .

There was something in this about sending your opponent flying using a NES Advantage that was magical.

I got and played this solely for being one of the first games with Peyton Manning to play. =P

Godzilla games never seem to get the best of both worlds... I'm not sure if it's better to compare this to Bomberman...or original Mario Bros.

This and Super Mario were what started me in games.

The single greatest intro to any video game. I played this to death.

This is one of only 3 games I ever returned. I really enjoyed this game and what I was trying to do...right up until the last 5 minutes and forced final boss.

To be fair...I barely have memories of this game...good or bad...and I can't tell if that's a good or bad thing.

I regret not returning this the day I bought it.

Criminally underrated strategy game, and sadly, clearly unfinished when you get to the end. You don't realize how unfinished until you GameShark the unreleased parts, nevermind the story elements left unrealized at the end.

Regardless, the engine and gameplay are fantastic.

Came with my Game Gear. It was an adequate Tetris timesink.

It is a crime that EA continues to put out repetitive garbage while Road Rash sits in IP hell.