A surprisingly enjoyable capture the flag game. The sound warning in the beginning is weird. Like, why warn of the embarrassing sounds this game is going to make instead of just taking them out altogether and replacing them with better sounds?

Fun high-score chasing distraction

Less content than the OG Pop Island, therefore inferior.

Incredibly simple, but kinda fun.

Feels sluggish to control to me.

I got stuck early on and had no clue where to go. Something about Mutant Mudds' atmosphere makes me uncomfortable.

Judging by the game's frame rate, it can hardly be considered as a video game. It's a fucking slide show.

Something about the tracks is super intriguing to me. The controls kinda suck though and the items are too weak.

Something about the tracks is super intriguing to me. The controls kinda suck though and the items are too weak.

Simple but satisfying and ramps up pretty well in difficulty.