This game makes me want to be a parent, so that I can play it with my child. One day...


So much missed potential :(
I love the characters, but they just don't do anything with them. Why??!?!!?

Something about the subway setting just speaks to me, idk.

Sorry Cyber Shadow, but the Messenger is the better spiritual successor to Ninja Gaiden :/

I know it's a milestone in indie game history, but Cave Story never really clicked with me. I thought it was alright, but it never went beyond that for me.

The ideal couch coop experience to blast through on a long day or a weekend with some friends. It's mindless enough, so that you can still talk, but not to the point that it gets boring.

Fun at first, but then it gets way too grindy.

Idk why, but I am super bad at this game. It's frustrating.

The Portal games hold up incredibly well, you can still feel that these are very impactfuly games in gaming history

Thanks, I hate it.

One time the game glitched so hard that I had to reply the entire stage that I had just played for almost an hour.