I cannot express how much I love this game.

Sucks ass for a yakuza game but still good for a 00s game

I wish my hands didn't want to kill me

I forgot which shadow game I played but it sucked

Childhood DS game, funky music by a funky uncle

Played a bit of the demo I think? It was fine

Very pretty, interesting bosses, dear god why does it control like that.

Idk bro CoD is one of that series that is just CoD, god knows how to review it. Reviewing it is like reviewing room temperature water. I've played a few but I'm just gonna log this one

This was like 40 bucks? That's a sheesh from me dawg. I hate uncritical jojo's fans who simply point at the screen, and this was made for them

Have only done genocide because funny, maybe one day I'll kill Sans