100 Reviews liked by ArditB2006

This is scratching the itch that Battlefield: Bad Company 2 left behind 13 years ago. The learning curve here might be steep for some but enjoying it while losing is probably the best advice I can give.

Its hard to be mad when you lost because someone leveled a whole building on top of you.

the second game is so boring!! we literally spend half of the book going to sleep 😭 the author really took these horny ass characters and tried to add story, like girlie just do a full erotic game, let the "plot" go............

classique des jeux SCP et des jeux horreurs de manière plus générale, très dur mais excellent.

Mélange assez original entre un jeu d'aventure/VN et un Picross. Les deux parties sont chacune hélas un poil trop simplistes dans leur mise en oeuvre pour que la sauce prenne totalement. Restent une écriture enlevée et une chouette galerie de persos.

Payday 2 is a game I love dearly, with close to 200hrs played. Payday 3 is currently a game I can see becoming one that I feel the same way about, but as it is in 2023, no.

The short version, Payday 3 is an improvement to most systems. However a combination of a few missteps in changing the perk/levelling systems, and a lack of content overall. Makes Payday 3 a classic "its okay now, but I can see it being great later".

Extended Thoughts

Praise where its due
The decision to make difficulty increase be achieved via:
- Raising objective requirements (like requiring more loot needing to be stolen before the group can escape)
- Adding extra mission modifiers (like indestructible cameras, or guards leaders that will get paged constantly)
- Making enemy ai more aggressive
Opposed to raising the health/dmg output of enemies, is a smart, and well appreciated move, that will be better for game health in the long run. Avoiding the power creep issues of Payday 2 that made the game impenetrable for newer players, or even players that haven't heisted in a year.

This approach to difficult, in combination with a revamped stealth system that feels like a solid PS1 era stealth-game (opposed to Payday 2, which felt like an exploit that could break at any second). Results in Payday 3 being an incredible foundation to build upon.

However, as of launch, Payday 3 ONLY feels like an incredible foundation.

I know it would be unfair to compare the content of launch P3 with current P2, but even comparing to launch P2 makes P3 feel like an early access release opposed to a 1.0.

P2 launched with 11 heists, 6x 1 day heists, 2x 2 day heists, and 3x 3 day heists (so a total of 19 "missions"). Whereas Pday3 launched with 8x 1 day heists, effectively meaning launch P3 has less than half the missions of P2's launch.

The lack of mission content, paired with ludicrously slow progression to unlock the 16(?) guns with far less customisation, and the pile of perks that give minor improvements that don't really give a single sense of "making a build". Results in Payday 3 feeling lesser than the sum of its parts, whereas the less foundationally strong Payday 2 in having so much variety, felt far stronger.

I have put 17 hours in so far, I am level 35. While I think the idea to tie levels to challenges verses raw exp could be better, encouraging seeking harder challenges, opposed to grinding the same heist for exp to level up to then attempt the harder challenges.
The implementation of this being "do X mission above Y difficulty 60 times loud" and "do X mission above Y difficulty 60 times stealth" AND "unlock all attachments for X gun", which itself IS an exp grind still! Only WORSE because:

1. You undergo long stretches of no progress for overall level. And since gun exp is set, you will just pick the fastest mission complete to exp gain ratio, and repeat that single mission at nauseum.

2. You are actively disincentivised to do lower difficulty heists with newer players, because you get nothing for it. This would be actually good for Payday 2, where a higher level player would just be able to steamroll a low level heist with a more powerful build. But Payday 3 has less power creep, so the gap in what a level 1 and 100 player can do is more a matter of game sense and skill. So these players should be put together because it would actually help the community bring each other up.

If Payday 3 has a content cycle at least on-par with that of Payday 2, and undergoes similar perk and levelling system reworks once the community at large has really dug into the systems. I do ultimately think after a year to three, Payday 3 will be seen more favourably. Until then, I think Payday 3 is currently only for die hard fans of Payday, and people that will play though each heist once or twice via gamepass.

This and the Lego games were my first and only exposure to the prequels until like 8 years ago and I wish it stayed that way.

While it might not have the polish of link to the past, oracle of ages has such a magic to it that it surpasses every previous game in the franchise for me. With a fairly limited map it gives me the Hyrule that so far in my Zelda journey I've most enjoyed exploring. The characters have so much personality, the various groups that live here are all so distinct and well implemented. It also gives you really unique things to do that extend past the classic trading quests (although they don't go away), one stand out for me is the Goron dance, essentially briefly turning the game into a rythm game and it's fun as hell. Another section I absolutely adore is when you wash up on Cresent island and you have all the belongings you've acquired up to this point stolen, it makes for a really memorable puzzle and hammers home exactly how certain abilities need to be used. It's not a perfect game, there's some annoying design to be found and I haven't played the linked game stuff so I can't fully comment on that, but I just loved my time with this game so much. Also it has moosh in it

Pretty adorable if you like dumb fun, but I myself don't tend to care much for games that almost require me to have friends to play with, so I don't think it'll have much shelf life for me.

10/10 for the corgi, though. Very boopable snoot.

The best Mario Kart game without a doubt, MK8DX brings everything to the table. The biggest roster of the series, the fantastic maps, and the sheer amount of DLC this game offers to you almost guarantees that you can sink countless hours into the title (if the arcade-racing genre is your thing, that is).

Sure while the maps of the Booster-Course Pass are almost directly ripped from MK Tour, at least we are given the opportunity to play them.

200cc gives players who want to challenge themselves just that, as the maps weren't made with this speed in mind. You can burn through hours playing the time trial mode trying to perfect your 200cc run on certain maps (my personal favorite is Ice Ice Outpost).

Fantastic game built for mindless fun.

This game is the reason why the wii was successful and it shows.