I don't want to sound like a moralist or exercise armchair activism, but how long can you continue defending a game that has ended the careers of so many workers? So many devs abused while Nintendo and Mercury Steam get the accolades for creating another continuity metroid.
In case you don't know, mercury steam did not credit several devs who were dismissed improperly or were forced to leave the project due to force majeure, such as poor mental health or, I don't know, THE FUCKING PANDEMIC.
There is plenty of information on the internet about this and, hey, probably several of my favorite games were developed through Overworking, unfortunately in Japan it is common and surely, there will be similar or worse cases than that of metroid dread, but at a time when The fact that social conscience and mental health is such an important and controversial issue, I find it inconceivable that so many praises are given to a game perpetrated under the worst business practices I have seen in years, it is pure meritocracy.

Please, if you love a game, its perfectly okay, but do not defend it that if has been created under bad praxix and has screwed up the careers of some of its devs, on the contrary. Do not stain anyone's memory

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2021


2 years ago

Lo que a mí más me sorprende, y disgusta, es que mucha gente incluso que se llena la boca de criticar a Mercury Steam por lo sucedido con los trabajadores tiene una crítica tan cobarde hacia el juego en sí. Que aún a sabiendas de lo que hizo Mercury Steam, y con plena convicción en lo malo que fue, no tengan el valor, para no quedar mal, de criticar el juego y en su lugar actuar como fanáticos

2 years ago

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2 years ago

Not to be rude or disrespect any opinions, but I find this review funny considering you gave Overwatch, which was made by a company worse than MercurySteam 4/5. The company that made that game not only ended several workers’ careers, but also one’s life. And they are all of a specific gender, which makes it worse in a way.Again, in case you didnt read the first part of this comment, I do not intend to ignite a flame war.

2 years ago

that's cool and all, but what did you think about the video game?

2 years ago

Damn that's a lot of words for saying nothing.

2 years ago

this could’ve just as easily been a tweet lol

2 years ago

I completely get your point but the praises are toward the game itself and not about how Nintendo handled it's workers.
Just like you said "probably several of my favorite games were developed through Overworking", they aren't your favorite games because the workers were exploited, you just really like the game, which is how other people feel with Metroid Dread.

2 years ago

this is why i choose to believe chess is the only truly moral game
Yo estoy ya demasiado hecho a la idea de que siempre voy a consumir un producto hecho en base a maltratar a sus creadores. Ni el llamamiento más grande va a quitarle al juego la cantidad de ventas que tiene ya y que probablemente Nintendo y Mercury van a tener una relación super sólida desde ahora. Y si no la tuvieran, la tendrán con Konami otra vez, o con otro estudio al que le importe menos. Yo ya intento consumir videojuegos como el que se come una hamburguesa, es ganas de ponerse triste por cosas que nunca se van a poder cambiar o al menos no nosotros.

2 years ago

Creo que hubiese sido más productivo decir que pirateen el juego en vez de comprarlo. Hablar sobre cómo el juego tiene reviews positivas a pesar de las condiciones de trabajo del estudio (que ni siquiera es un caso aislado) no me parece el ángulo correcto que afrontar porque realmente no lleva a nada. No he visto a nadie defender el abuso de MercurySteam en esta página (de momento), así que no sé a quién está dirigido el último parrafo tampoco

2 years ago

Y no es que no esté de acuerdo a ver, yo también le he dejado 0.5 al Cave Story+, pero creo que la crítica en esto no está bien dirigida

2 years ago

This is such a weird review, probably because it's not a review at all; you went on about bad practices in the industry (which I absolutely agree with), gave it a bad rating, and didn't tell me anything about the game itself. You even say several of your favourite games were developed through overworking, so that can't be the reason for the negative review. Plenty of fans have called out the practices while appreciating the game itself; these two are not incompatible.

2 years ago

Como también dijeron otras respuestas.
Aunque la primera me dejó confundido. Cobardes... ¿porque les gustó un videojuego?

2 years ago

@SpectreMan literally this.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

This is backloggd, no one cares

2 years ago

Damn that's crazy. How was the game though?

2 years ago

A whole bunch of sociopathic smartasses in here. Good on Ardwyw for calling Mercury Steam on their bullshit. And as far as Metroid Dread itself goes, it's painfully average so the score fits.

2 years ago

@Buo sure some of the comments are just saying i don’t care, but there are people pointing out the fact that the review saying “probably several of my favorite games were developed through overworking” seems to kinda undermine the message as well as the fact that this could have been posted elsewhere since it isn’t really a review. i’m pretty sure most people in the comments think what happened was bad lol.
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