i may have a bad taste,

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i watched it ig, well i put it on in the background and played smth else and i still got bored

I always knew that I'm gonna love this game.

you know that meme "huge sh2 fan excited to play it for the first time" that was me. it took me nearly a year to play this game just because I was scared that I hyped the game too much for myself and it's gonna understandably disappoint me, In that time frame I was even spoiled about the twist at the end.

for a bit of context; there are a couple of story themes that I find very interesting and nearly everything that I love in any medium is considered a work that touches on those ideas.
one of them is "unreliable narrators" and another one is "self-hatred". I have more but these two are by far my favorites. the works that explore these ideas are few and the good ones are even fewer. honestly the reason I got back to gaming was because I couldn't find anymore good stuff that satisfy my needs, hell I'm on my seventh rewatch of Bojack Horseman. I still can't find stuff that satisfy my needs.

but this does actually. I wasn't disappointed, I was nailed to my sit and even though I knew the twist it still surprised me. I really wasn't expecting it to hit me this personally.

there's some goofy voice acting in there too but that's how I think I sound like when I talk about something important so for that I'll give it a pass.

so should you play it? no this game sucks and double no if you had a breakup recently don't make the mistake I did.

I think Capcom has a severe case of shit fetish.
It's like every time a sane person pitches the idea of making a good RE game to Capcom, Capcom responds by saying "that's great and all but how does being shitty incorporate to all that" and they have to make some bullshit crap content so they could make the game they want.