210 Reviews liked by ArtemisFalls

This game is fucking awesome. I haven't beaten it yet (obviously) but I did play and complete the original and I have to say this remake delivers. Status ailments aren't broken anymore, light and dark skills exist now that weren't just the useless one shot ones, the animations and UI is so crispy and clean and gorgeous, Tartarus is waaay better to traverse, the new combat features and mechanics, etc. this game introduces a ton of new stuff and it's all bangers. One big detail is how much more developed and more in depth the social links are. I remember in the original, alot of the social links had very short and not very meaningful conversations up until rank 6-7 and up. Now from the start alot of them feel great and do a good job at giving you an idea of what type of character that SL character is like. Of course it is a little unfortunate that FEMC doesn't exist anymore as well as the swimming club, music club, and kendo club doesn't exist anymore. Every persona game just hooks me man, how does Atlus do it. I'll probably give this game a full 5 stars once I finish it

EDIT: 2/21/2024
Just finished the game, and WOW. This game is incredible. Persona 5 Royal was incredible, but this game I feel might be even better (though I'm not sure, I still really love Royal alot). One thing for sure, Persona 3 has the best cast 100%. The story and what it teaches about the meaning of life and purpose of death was amazing, everything was presented incredibly well. Hats off to ATLUS, once again making a banger title. 10/10

Como eu queria jogar mais jogos em que os desenvoldores colocam tanto carinho e se dão tanta liberdade criativa quanto os de Katana Zero. É simplesmente uma aula de como fazer videogame, tu abre o menu e já sente mais personalidade que 99% dos jogos grandes atuais, tu dá play e já é capturado pela atmosfera dele, tão reconfortante ao mesmo tempo que melancólica. O loop do jogo é perfeito, muito fácil passar horas jogando sem perceber, é difícil e estratégico porém nunca injusto, a gameplay flui absurdamente bem e a trilha sonora tá sempre lá colocando um ritmo nas suas ações, quase que conversando com o jogador

Essa foi minha segunda experiência com a franquia FINAL FANTASY e com certeza vai ser uma das mais memoráveis.

Uma das primeiras coisas que chamam a atenção em FINAL FANTASY XV é o seu mundo aberto vasto e belo. O jogo apresenta um mapa gigantesco, cheio de paisagens deslumbrantes, cidades movimentadas e áreas selvagens a serem exploradas. A variedade de ambientes é impressionante, passando por florestas exuberantes, desertos áridos e montanhas imponentes. Cada localização possui sua própria atmosfera e segredos a serem descobertos, o que incentiva a exploração e dá uma sensação de aventura constante.

A história de FINAL FANTASY XV é um dos pontos altos do jogo. Ela gira em torno do príncipe Noctis, que embarca em uma jornada épica para recuperar seu trono e salvar seu reino de um império maligno. A narrativa apresenta temas como amizade, sacrifício e destino.
Os personagens principais, Noctis e seus companheiros de viagem, têm uma dinâmica interessante e desenvolvem laços emocionais ao longo da história. Suas interações, diálogos e momentos de camaradas tornam a jornada mais envolvente.

Em termos de jogabilidade, FINAL FANTASY XV apresenta um sistema de combate em tempo real rápido e fluido.
Embora o sistema possa parecer um pouco caótico e desorganizado inicialmente, com o tempo e a prática, você pode dominar os diferentes ataques, habilidades especiais e magias disponíveis (eu não dominei mas tenho certeza que é possivel). Além do combate, o jogo também oferece atividades secundárias, como pesca, corridas de chocobos e missões opcionais, que ajudam a diversificar a experiência e oferecer mais horas de jogo.

Maaaas embora as missões secundárias forneçam conteúdo adicional, podem ser repetitivas e carecer de profundidade em comparação com a história principal.

Em resumo, FINAL FANTASY XV oferece uma experiência gratificante para jogadores que procuram uma aventura épica em um mundo aberto deslumbrante. Com sua narrativa envolvente, personagens carismáticos, sistema de combate dinâmico e visual impressionante, o jogo é capaz de proporcionar horas de entretenimento. Se você é fã da franquia Final Fantasy ou está em busca de uma experiência de RPG de ação, FINAL FANTASY XV certamente vale a pena ser explorado.

Action games generally operate on the concept of player empowerment, granting the tools to overcome any challenge without a scratch, as long as players have the skill to realize that potential. Meanwhile, horror games operate on the concept of player disempowerment, giving the bare minimum in order to foster a tense atmosphere, so balancing the priorities of each genre seems like mixing oil and water. Resident Evil games are famous for trying to do so, but they usually break into a horror-centric first half and an action-centric back half, without a true blending of the concepts. The Evil Within meanwhile actually managed it, but had to alienate players in some key ways in order to do so. Firstly, the logic behind the story is nearly impossible to follow at first, leaving players unable to find their footing, confused at why the progression is so jumpy and unfocused. Then, the mechanical restrictions feel like they’re equally arbitrary: Sebastian can only initially carry about twelve bullets, and not even a full healthbar’s worth of recovery. He can barely run at all, and in order to alleviate any of this, you may have to bank up green gel over the course of multiple chapters. It can seem like the game is simply trying to make action feel scary by stressing out players with cheap deaths, but once you commit to learning the game, a brilliant method behind the madness reveals itself. While the story is mostly nonsense, the abstract nature of it allows for level design suited to a wide variety of challenges. With new mechanics being introduced at a steady pace, players are constantly kept on the backfoot, and thus disempowered, even as their growing mechanical knowledge empowers them. The shallow capacity for supplies is an obvious form of disempowerment which prompts players to spend resources cleverly, but their abundance between each fight empowers players to use their entire toolkit freely. The upgrade system empowers; the below-par baselines make unupgraded stats more of a problem in the face of scaling challenge. For every give, there’s a take, and thus, a harmony between action and horror is reached. As stated before though, the “take” for that brilliance is a frontloaded sense of disempowerment, with players having to get through most of the game before they’ve experienced enough character growth and skill development to redress the balance. So, I really can’t blame anyone for bouncing off of this game, but I also truly believe that as of today (less than a week away from RE4 remake), it’s the best merging of action and horror in gaming. Resident Evil 4 is pure satisfying action, Dead Space commits to bloody horror, but The Evil Within is purely… both.

i remain convinced this game will have its overdue reevaluation. the evil within (aka PSYCHO BREAK) is peak video game horror with just the right balance of jank and big budget bombast. silent hill with the grimy, glistening, bloodsoaked aesthetic of a SAW movie. resident evil 4, the last of us, and killer7 are other points of reference. it begins strangely enough, and it only continues to get stranger—very much a descent into things darker and more apocalyptic, always threatening to break the fourth wall with its apparent absurdity but always stopping just short of explicitly doing so. indeed, rather than ultimately push outward from its glass prison, the narrative draws inward, refracting upon itself, convincing us that what we see is really happening while its unreality compounds and entraps us. our uncertainty—sebastian's beleaguered mental state—is reflected in the instability of the environment, the suddenly and constantly wrenching contortion of the world around us: ruvik's world. ruvik, the mind exerting the most control over this layered simulacrum reality. not insignificantly, sebastian can only overcome the chaos by retreating further into the nightmare by way of a safe room entered via mirrors...

replaying this to prepare myself for finally giving the evil within 2 a try. seems most would say otherwise, but i consider it to be one of the peak game experiences of the 2010s.

É um dos meus jogos favoritos, eu amo o Sebastian e a Juli, a história do jogo é algo que me agrada muito e definitivamente é um jogo que vale muito a pena conferir se você gosta de jogos de terror

Simplesmente incrível.
The Evil Within é um ótimo survival horror, mesclando bem entre momentos de ação e de muito terror.
A história não é simples, muito pelo contrário, é bem complexa. Você precisa realmente se interessar pelo jogo se quiser entender bem ela, que é fenomenal, foi tudo muito bem pensado. Todos os pontos vão se interligando durante o jogo.
A gameplay pode não ser considerada boa por muitos, mas eu particularmente gostei. Há alguns bugs, mas dá para relevar e ter uma experiência boa.
O jogo tem diversas opções de armas, mas as munições são bem escassas. Upgrades dos mais diversos tipos estão presentes na obra.
A dificuldade é nítida, o jogo é bem difícil, mas na medida certa. No máximo você terá que bolar algumas estratégias para passar de certas fases.
A ambientação também é boa, e a trilha sonora quando presente é certeira.
Os inimigos são um dos pontos fortes do jogo, todas as criaturas tem designs assustadores, alguns são bem memoráveis, principalmente o vilão principal, Ruvik, que é um bom vilão.
Os personagens também não ficam para trás, são bons. Principalmente Sebastian, o protagonista.
No geral, The Evil Within é um ótimo jogo, que mesmo possuindo alguns bugs e por vezes uma dificuldade muito elevada, é uma experiência incrível.

Um jogo de horror feito por quem entende e muito do gênero. É o Shinji Mikami fazendo uma versão de resident evil muito mais não convencional, mesclando muito bem o survival horror com uma pegada mais ação sem perder a essência do gênero. A liberdade criativa em The Evil Within faz dele umas experiências mais únicas que tu vai ter em videogame, me fascina o jeito que o jogo nunca parece estar preso numa fórmula, os capítulos não são estruturados sempre da mesma forma, o lobby nunca vai ser a mesma coisa da última vez que tu visitou, é uma constante fuga, quase não se tem tempo para respirar, uma verdadeira tentativa de sobreviver, e tu se sente encapsulado ali junto ao Sebastian. O design de áudio é incrível, é perturbador, assim como a direção de todas as cenas, o terror psicológico está sempre presente, toda a ambientação e a atmosfera é sensacional. Pena que quase nada disso se aplica aos últimos 4 capítulos, em que não souberam como manter o mesmo ritmo e o jogo basicamente se torna Resident Evil 6. A gameplay apesar de divertida na maior parte do tempo tem seus problemas, é bem prejudicada por uma hitbox mal feita, os controles são estranhos e não tão responsivos, pior ainda com a performance horrível de 5 FPS

maior 3.5 estrelas do meu perfil

Lost Legacy is a short little spinoff featuring the same incredible gameplay from Uncharted 4 with a little more emphasis on weaving in and out of stealth during combat. A couple of the combat encounters were a little annoying for this reason and felt needlessly difficult, but overall it was a solid experience with a great finale.

Chloe and Nadine make for an entertaining pair and it was nice to see more of them since they felt a little under utilized in Uncharted 4. I really hope Naughty Dog returns to this Uncharted-style gameplay sometime in the future because it's a lot more fun and fast-paced than TLoU. Overall, definitely worth playing through if you like the series.

The downside of playing so many video games in rapid succession is that I forget loads of details about previous games I have played. One of the reasons I started writing these reviews was to help jog my memory in the future of my feelings about the game to help trigger my memory. Since completing ‘Uncharted 4: A Thief's End’ I have probably played over 100 games, so my memory of that game was very minimal. I remember there being female characters in the game but couldn’t tell you their names or anything about their back story. Regardless, playing an Uncharted game with Chloe and Nadine was a lot of fun.

Starting off as a DLC for Uncharted 4, then moving to a stand alone game, ‘Uncharted: The Lost Legacy’ is a short game with Nadine and Chloe from previous entries in the series being the main protagonists. Straight away I loved Chloe’s character, I loved how witty, direct and smart she was. People like myself are of course going to draw comparisons with Lara Croft but I much preferred Chloe’s character over Lara’s. I love the dynamic between the two lead characters, it’s not like they are best friends, they are with each other through necessity and their relationship grows over time, with its ups and downs. Naughty Dog are well known for their incredible motion capture work and this game was no exception, even down to the micro-expressions on character’s faces like Chloe (played by Laura Bailey) twisting her tongue in her mouth while she is feeling happy and smug about something.

The gameplay is pretty much the same as the previous instalments in the franchise however I did play the PS5 remaster which provides better visuals and performance as well as utilising PS5’s DualSense controller. The updated visuals are breathtaking and I was in complete awe of it all. The feedback on the controller is my favourite use of the DualSense since ‘Astro’s Playroom’. When firing a gun in the game, the controller gives off a clicking feeling like the bolt of the gun firing back. I couldn’t tell if it was the speaker doing this or the vibration motors themselves, or both. I do remember the stealth being more satisfying and easier to achieve in previous games whereas in this game the stealth was lacking, this caused me to take the approach of going hell for leather in each area with Asav’s men. The gun combat is really fun with an array of guns to experiment with, however I was not a fan of the hand-to-hand combat as I struggled to get to grips with dodging at the right time then attacking. The climbing is great as always however I did notice Chloe will die from falling from certain heights that other games wouldn’t bat an eyelid at. Nadine is an AI character that will run alongside you as you move through each area, she is a great help with puzzles and combat but can sometimes block you from moving through a doorway.

Despite being very similar to previous Uncharted games in many ways, there is a semi-open world area in ‘The Lost Legacy’ where you can drive a 4x4 around the 3 different objectives as well as collect 11 medallions to unlock a treasure bracelet. There are many other types of treasure to find but all you get as a reward for those is an achievement, so, fuck that.The area felt like Uncharted’s equivalent to ‘Bowser’s Fury’. I say semi-open as you can travel around freely but it’s quite a linear area with 1 or 2 paths between locations and it can be an absolute pain to navigate so I wasn’t really enamoured by this area, but it could very well be a sign of things to come for any future games in the franchise.

Storywise, it’s the same cliched “Adventurer goes to get a precious item, they have a rich person with an army also trying to get the item and they fight it out” as you often see so I wouldn’t say the story of this game is its strongest point however it does add more lore to each character's back story and relationships with one another. So on the whole, it does more story wise for the Uncharted universe than it does on its own.

As for the sound design in this game, I loved it, sound effects such as gunfire echo perfectly in the temples you visit throughout the game giving it a cinematic feel.

I had so much fun with this game, normally I’m all for shorter games and not ones that overstay their welcome. ‘Uncharted: The Lost Legacy’ comes in at around 8 hours of playtime and for the first time in ages I would have liked it to have been longer. I do hope we get more games with Nadine and Chloe in the future as they are a good duo and I would like to see their friendship grow.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy might genuinely be my favourite entry in the franchise. And while it’s one of the - if not the shortest in the series, it’s certainly unparalleled.

The reasoning for it being my favourite is down to one thing - the writing and characterisation of Chloe and Nadine. I’ve genuinely no idea how Naughty Dog made such excellent choices to make these characters have completely natural arcs and incredibly witty dialogue.

The back and forth banter between the two just works.

In all honesty this game is the sole reason I picked up the Legacy of Thieves Collection and if you haven’t played it, you absolutely must.

(Now please, Naughty Dog, give me an entire series based off of Chloe and Nadine’s adventures..)

Coffee Talk is one of those games you really need to be aware of what you are getting going in. I've seen a few reviews here mention it's boring or how little gameplay it has. So to those unaware this is a short visual novel with limited played player input that's very narrative heavy.

Oh as a game it's uninteresting, that I agree with. You make drinks during conversations that are often vague you have to figure out. Not going to lie, used a guide, didn't care. If you come into this for gameplay mechanics or puzzles just step away now. Where Coffee Talk shines is the interesting characters and world. Their designs, excellent pixel art and animations. Their struggles, successes or failures of their everyday lives you learn about over a period of nights. I got pretty drawn into it and it helps this game is incredibly relaxing.

It's one of those sort of titles that makes me think it could only really be done as a video game personally. I mean sure a film version of this and the characters could be done easily enough but it wouldn't be the same. It's a game about observing the characters from the outside on the other side of the bar. Yes your character talks, yes they are a key component to both how it works and the function of a Coffee shop but the observations of the customers coming in and their lives is the focus.

It's super chill, visually nice and just generally has a pretty nice vibe to it. It made me want to try more hot drinks even though I don't like Tea or Coffee. I mean I like the idea of them. I like the smell, the aroma of them but the actual drinks? nope. Still this has made me want to try and make homemade cinnamon milk again and some other types of hot chocolate.

Does it really rain that much in Seattle?

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor does everything that a sequel should do: it improves upon every aspect compared to its predecessor. At its release, one could argue that the Jedi franchise represents the best offering from the Star Wars universe in video games.

Jedi Survivor closely resembles Jedi Fallen Order in terms of gameplay. It retains some influences from the Souls series in its combat mechanics. Generally, I would say that Jedi Survivor is easier than Fallen Order, but, like its predecessor, it still offers challenging battles that may require multiple attempts to conquer.

In combat, a strategic approach is essential. You can't simply attack relentlessly; knowing when to defend is crucial. To be a true Jedi, one must maintain emotional control. Impulsiveness is a trait of the Sith, and you are not one of them.

One notable improvement in Jedi Survivor is the placement of respawn points. As someone not particularly fond of Soulslike games, I dislike repetitive gameplays. Now, the checkpoints are thoughtfully positioned, reducing the need for repetitive actions. Additionally, the game allows players to revisit certain sections of the map to face the same enemies and challenges if desired.

The level designs surpass what we saw in Jedi Fallen Order, although they are not perfect yet. Similar to the previous game, these are small open worlds that you can explore with the appropriate abilities. To be fair, they could use some enhancements, but I appreciate the direction they're taking.

The standout feature of the game is undoubtedly the story. It's a canonical narrative within the Star Wars universe and features intriguing characters. The developers have done an excellent job, and I won't reveal any spoilers, but you'll be surprised by the plot twists.

I've heard that many players experienced significant performance issues, but when I played the game shortly after its release, I didn't encounter any major problems. In my opinion, it's a more polished game than Fallen Order, which I played years after its release and encountered numerous issues.

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor ranks among my top 5 favorite games of 2023 so far. As a Star Wars fan, I couldn't have asked for a better experience. I highly recommend it to anyone, even if you're not a Star Wars enthusiast.

primeiro caso legalzinho, o segundo é muito bom, o terceiro é um lixo e o quarto é masterpiece. Não sei como um jogo consegue ter uma disparidade de qualidade tão grande dentro dele mesmo. Justice for all seria uma obra prima se não fosse por aquele caso lixo do circo, odeio tudo relacionado a aquilo, o palhaço escroto, a garota, o triângulo amoroso pedófilo, a música insuportável. Mas enfim, o caso após esse foi tão bom que eu terminei em 1 dia e não consegui sair da frente da tv, cheguei a me emocionar nos créditos