For a first true fighting game im pretty sure this was a good one to start off with, its fun and (relatively) easy to control.

Also it has Marisa. Enough said.

Might just be my favorite Mario game of all time now, it’s peak

One of the best platformer's I've ever played. Even though we don't have a new game yet we got Rayman in Mario + Rabbids at least (also obligatory rayman snorting crack reference here).

realized i didnt log this one, happy 15th anniversary!

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aside from lackluster bosses and goofy ahhhh sonic 4 synth music its pretty good. also trip should appear in more games from this point onward.

i'd rather shove a live piranha up my bum than play through trip's final boss again though

this game is funny as hell, please buy it and play with some buddies (or complete strangers), it's one hell of a time

Admittedly I had a hard time getting archer down, but as long as you know what you’re doing this is the best warioware game hands down

Fair warning: don’t underestimate megagame muscles

i bought this after i got a coupon for getting all the bloons td6 trading cards on steam why is this not bad at all

Play this game if you want to reconsider every life choice you’ve ever made and have your outlook on life itself radically changed

oh, and you won’t believe who the lamp actually is.

It’s insane how this made mcu “he’s right behind me” meta humor funny

Oh yeah and the game is insanely good

Camera control sucks horribly but it’s still good I guess.

I guess they did Pokémon go and tell the average sweaty pokemon fan to touch grass with this one

The foundation is there (haha jk the foundation isn’t compatible with this for some reason) for it to be good, but the problem is there needs to be more, both in terms of content and making sure my skins don’t look bad in this mode (this last part will be deleted once all my mains are finished cause yes I care about this more than I should).

edit: the foundation is now compatible with this game so the beginning joke doesnt land. remind me to come back to this one when i think of something better

I find the mlg fail unreasonably funny for no good reason other than its incredibly stupid