Decent picross, though flawed by its strict rules which do not grant you three stars in a level if you made a single mistake

Decent game, since I was playing with a keyboard, it was a little uncomfortable to play it. The surgery seemed a little bit tacky to me.

I have heard a lot that Yakuza 3 is the worst one in the saga, but for me is this one. I must acknowledge that the story this time is a little bit different from the formula? That they have been using. Though it felt rushed, since the segment for each character was rather small and wasn’t enough to captivate me completely. For the same reason the substories were left almost undone. When almost each time I complete them. It was also interesting to see Kamurocho underground and roofs, though for me it was a gimmick that after the first exploration became cumbersome because of the controls and camera. I do not hate the game, but it is flawed.

In strict theory I haven’t completed the Post Game, since I still need to do patch 3.4, 3.5 and 3.51, though the Dragonsong now is complete, and I believe it’s a good time to review it. In general, the story is a lot better than in A Realm Reborn, perhaps a little abrupt the end to the problem in U’ldah. Mechanically I feel it almost the same, but in this occasion, I obviously start with my character as level 50, hence it’s a lot more fun since the start. I also think it is a little shorter, but in this case, it was better since there does not seem to be any filler content.

I knew a little bit about Type Moon before starting to read this visual novel, from the Fate and Tsukihime series. Though, as both were not offially released in the west they were not in my priority. It’s funny because now the two are going to be released in this year. Apart from that, my only exposure was Canaan which was included in 428 Shibuya Scramble, but I did not read that last mini story. I guess I felt compelled to buy a Physical VN from amazon directly. In the end I do not regret the purchase, in just terms of Visuals I believe that this is the one with the best direction. Though the story wasn’t a complete masterpiece, it was still thoroughly enjoyable and none of it seem dull.

The story was simple but effective, the characters likeable, the atmosphere believable. Perhaps it was a little short and it also left some cliffhangers. If they ever announce a second part I would buy it in an instant, since it was a really great experience.

I have already played the first three games in the trails of series; therefore, I am very invested in its world and gameplay. I am glad that this game didn’t disappoint me, because it delivered a very concise story and even tied some questions left in trails in the sky the 3rd. My only complaint would be that the keyboard controls in this game aren’t as intuitive, compared to the ones done by xseed. Which is a shame because it was the best experience, I have had with a JRPG in PC, and in some things better than the normal use with controllers.

Its weird to change characters after three games, but all of them are memorable and I believe it was a good decision to not rotate as many people, because it was becoming tiresome in the third game. Is weird that the end of this game didn’t leave any plot twists with their characters as in previous installments and I could have seen it as an end to the franchise with just some unsolved plots that could have been left to the player interpretation/imagination.

Even though most of the gameplay was similar, there were some changes to the Arts system that refresh completely the idea of how to play, such as deleting the cure ailments or most of the cure in groups that were exploited before. Though, I feel the game easier than any other of the previous ones. Which is not bad, because it still had challenge which require actual thought into boss battles. Though, most of the normal encounters could be cheesed by attacking to their back and the doing an “All out attack” which in most cases killed all the enemies or left them with little health left.

I can see a trend in this game to make the game easier and more story focused, which does not feel bad. I would have chosen a harder mode if there was a way to skip boss cutscenes. Another aspect was that it became tiresome some of the npc dialogs because each time I made some story progress I would read each person new interaction. Perhaps to not be burned by this I will let half a year pass at least before I play another one in the series.

In general, it was a well-done game, but it didn’t amaze me to the point of becoming the best game in the series. I would not 100% complete it, but that is a given with almost any RPG for me.

Short, but fun game. I havent played a lot of sonic games but this was a really good one. The only bad aspect would be that the mystery unfolds linearly.


I initially purchased this visual novel, when I discovered that it was going to be a global release for this game, therefore it was like a thank you for thinking of western audiences from the beginning. Being more specific about the translation, I would say all the vn felt natural and I could only spot two typos in the later parts.

Leaving behind the translation behind, I would qualify it as a great vn, I believe its purpose was to tell a bittersweet love story with supernatural elements, and in that aspect, they fully delivered. The part which did fell short for me was the introduction and slice of life part, which felt rushed and not developed enough. Also, there are many parts in which they had to go back in time to explain why something was happening, which felt like lazy writing; though, almost all the mysteries were explained in the end (I believe only why Gonka was special was not explained), and everything had a purpose. Another downside was that many occurrences felt predictable and very convenient in the beginning.

The cast were small, and some of them felt flat, like Himawari of Karen. But when they did have character development, I really like it, how their unfulfilled wishes and the contrast with the dream world made them who they are. In the end most of them were a little bit flawed, but none with bad intentions. I especially liked Souji by the end. The dream world reminded me of Dragon Quest 6 and the two versions of the world that also existed.

In the second paragraph, I wrote that something that lacked Ginka was a good Slice of Life. It does not mean that every vn should need one, but in this case it felt like they wanted to have one, but they reduced significantly in the end and what was left wasn’t the best one I have read either. Comparing it with Summer Pockets, they did write a great beginning, but the end wasn’t good, which is the contrary of Ginka.

Towards the end, it was emotional and almost made me shed a tear. The final outcome felt rewarding, it’s better for a story to lack a good introduction than a good end. For me it was a great visual novel, but not a Masterpiece.