84 Reviews liked by Ayzic

I'm glad Yuji Naka is in prison

Plays perfectly fine in the most boring way imaginable. Gacha mechanics are scummy. Booooo.

Talk about a fixer-upper.

MCC at launch was a tragedy. MCC in a week will not just have fixed nearly all of its previous problems, it'll have REACH.

Literally all this collection needs is full button remapping options. It's flawless beyond that.

(Note: This first part of this review was written on a different game tracking website and then copy/pasted here when I migrated everything to Backloggd, so the date at the bottom doesn't match up timewise)

Edit: Two and a half years later, I finally convinced my wife to play through the campaigns with me. We finished tonight, and it was a blast. Still disappointed you can't fully remap the buttons like you can in Infinite, but we got used to it pretty quickly.

After playing well over 100 hours of Infinite's multiplayer in the past 5 months, I was seriously impressed by the vast amount of multiplayer content here. I had forgotten just how much variety there is! The MCC has so much love and care put into it, it makes you wonder what on earth went wrong with Infinite. (Just kidding, we know it's because Microsoft hired way too many contract workers for the game who were let go at launch so the "live service" model was doomed from the start)

My only complaint is that twice during Halo 3 and once each during ODST and 4, we had the game either freeze or crash the console late in a level. The Rally Points made it convenient to jump back in close to where we had left off, but the game didn't count that as completing those levels. Good thing I'm not achievement hunting.

Who am I kidding, there's no way I could do LASO, going for every achievement would be a lost cause anyway.

Had nightmares about the Brickster. That dude is fucked up. Laid in bed at night just waiting for him to break in and kill me

I thought this was something I dreamed up

The game had a great story and awesome performances!

I had my saved data deleted and cried for 2 hours. Still my favorite game.

100% the best fighting game ever made. I hope they use these kind of mechanics in other games

we get it, you've seen movies before