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UPDATE: After the news that PvE has been scrapped from this release, I’ve lowered my rating from 1 star to .5, the lowest it can go. I’ve never seen a company fumble a game as bad as Blizzard has with Overwatch 2

Before I get into my tirade I have to give some points because yeah, the base gameplay is good. Changing games to 5v5 and re-designing the more meta-centralizing characters were completely valid decisions and whether or not you like/dislike the changes are really up to the individual. I like them. Crazy how they would create two characters that arguably centralized the meta-game in a worse way right off the bat, but go off I guess.

That being said, what a shit show this game is. Failing to deliver on the biggest selling point for the new game (PvE) and then completely "overhauling" the item shop/rewards to put any new cosmetics behind a ludicrously unjust paywall is hilariously mind-boggling. Overwatch is legitimately one of my favorite games ever, it's the multiplayer game I have the most play time in, and is definitively my favorite multiplayer game I've ever played, so I can say from the heart that Overwatch 2 is the greatest disappointment I've ever experienced in gaming. No PvE? Oh well, at least I'll be able to play multiplayer and eventually the PvE will come, right?

The launch of this game was the worst I've ever experienced in any game, and I've played almost every Destiny expansion and Call of Duty update when they've launched. I'm used to having to wait for servers to be stable enough to even log into a game is what I'm getting at. For Overwatch 2, it was over 10 days, yes, 10 fucking days since "release" before I could log in and play a game. Even after this absurd wait time, it wasn't even guaranteed that all of your cosmetics would transfer over from Overwatch. I got all of mine, but I know others that weren't so lucky. This should've been my sign to just get out ASAP but I had to try and capture the joys of playing Overwatch early on.

Of course anyone reading this can tell by my review that Overwatch 2 does not capture the sheer competitive joy I had when playing the original, which is an absolute shame. This game is way less competitive and more toxic than the original, which is solely due to it being free to play unlike it's predecessor at launch. This was my sign to end it, I wasn't having fun, and neither were my friends. Oh well, at least I can go back to the original if I need my fix.

What? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY FUCKING DELISTED THE ORIGINAL GAME???? I watched in sheer terror as the icon for Overwatch on my home screen was deformed and mangled into the icon for Overwatch 2. I'm not lying when I say that these absolute nimrods TOOK AWAY OUR OPTION TO PLAY THE OLD GAME right in front of our very eyes. Imagine if Call of Duty did this shit. Battlefield. Street Fighter? In absolutely no way do I find this acceptable. I can't even begin to wrap my head around why they did this. I'm sure there is some reason regarding server upkeep, cross-progression and player profiles but come on it's just absurd to kill a game the second the new one comes out. I have no idea how this game is now, but with Blizzard’s asinine treatment of this game at launch, I will never download it again to find out.

I hate Overwatch 2