Top 5 game ever to play at your cousins house.

Fun do it all shooter. Its responsible for some of the worst monetization practices in gaming but I find fortnite itself isn't actually that bad with its monetization and FAR more rewarding and less greedy and grindy than other games cough cough Apex, 2k, Overwatch


As I'm playing this game again to work on my platinum trophy in preparation for Hades 2 I'm falling in love with it again. My introduction to the roguelike Genre and I was instantly hooked. This genre is ALL about the gameplay and Hades is one of the few that interweaves an over arching narrative into the gameplay and its done wonderfully. The voice acting is top notch the story is very basic but still fantastic to experience. One of my favourite aspects of the Roguelike Genre is how low commitment it is you can play for 40 minutes and whether or not you clear the run you're still making progress. You can quit whenever you want and pick your run back up whenever and its such a minor feature but its something I absolutely love about this Genre. Its just fun to load up a game for 20-40 minutes kill some enemies and get off the game. Perfect genre to play alongside a much longer game (like a JRPG) for a nice change of pace.

The bread and butter for this game is the combat and its one of my favourites ever. Brutally hard at first but you gradually get better at the game and the game gradually rewards you with ways for Zag to permanently get better. The whole package falls apart if the gameplay isn't great and its nearly perfect here. 6 different weapons that all feel very different from each other with upgradable aspects that also feel different from each other and Boons that can wildly change your build from run to run. This is a perfect game to me with an endgame that makes this game endlessly replayable.

Masterpiece. I love this game.

I geniuely don't remember having as much fun playing a 4 player game than I did playing this as a kid. I feel like if I went back now to play it, it would age badly but for its time it was fun as fuck. Please revive ape escape I miss it bad.

As I'm nearing the conclusion of this game on my first playthrough (I watched my brother play as a kid growing up) the one thing I keep thinking about this game is that its timeless. This game could've released in 2023 and it would still feel fresh and modern. Thats a testament to what Retro studios pulled off in 2002.

The gameplay is excellent mixing in puzzles into the traversal as well as some of the combat with your different beams and visors. The music is superb and the art direction is still so unique even till this day.

The story told through no dialogue whatsover but rather scanning the environment, computers, scriptures etc and piecing together what happened to the chozo feels like a direct inspiration for modern souls game story telling

The only real change that was made with the remastered apart from graphical upgrades was the introduction of modern controls.'

In terms of negatives I have 2. The enemy respawn rate is where this game shows its age the most. You go into a room kill the enemies leave the room and then immediately go back in and all enemies have respawned. Very early 2000s and prior game design. Theres also a big difficulty jump in the Phazon mines.

Overall this is truly an all time game that might still feel fresh 20 years from now.

Fantastic game. I've always loved rhythm games and action games so this was just a wonderful mix of both worlds with style permeating at every part of the game. The rhythm of the beat affecting enemies in combat your button inputs in combat as well as the platforming works flawlessly here. The music needs to be great for all of this to work and it is. The only real problem I have with this game is the lack of lock-on which is most felt when trying to target specific enemies with your ally skills. Chai is also kind of annoying for the majority of the game but gets a lot better right at the end.

As I finish this game I'm so fucking sad were not getting a sequel ever. Fuck Microsoft. I will definitely be replaying this game for years.

Review in progress:

I'm about 30 hours in and I definitely understand why this won Goty on so man publications. Even as a big fan of Ragnarok I knew that game was flawed and I had problems with it so I wasn't mad that it lost to Elden Ring despite not playing Elden ring at the time. So far I don't have any major problems with Elden ring at all and its just a wonderful experience that actually gives you back the sense of wonder that so few open world games give you now.

To me this takes all of the good things I liked about Botw, like the exploration, the freedom to go and do whatever you want, the lack of map checklist like ubisoft games give you, and actually gives you great combat on top of it (Botw's combat is so wonderfully mediocre). Can't wait to continue and finish it.

Pandemic lockdown merchant. I will not be elaborating.

I'm watching a play through of this and ill be rating all the seasons going forward as such since they're essentially visual novels with choices. Shout out Berleezy WAYY more fun watching him than playing these by yourself.