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Fire emblem fates had had an interesting approach to its story and marketing: the story puts your avatar in the literal middle of a war, as you gotta decide if you wanted to ally with your former family or the people that raised you.... and to sell that the different campaigns got sold as different titles. COnsidering each camapgin felt like incomplete experiences on their own, this felt kinda scummy honestly... but at least the different campaigns tried to make something different from each other.

Of all of them, I feel Conquest accomplished its gimmicks the best: it's a really tough game, closer (according to the devs) to the more classic FE titles, with more brutal enemies and really fewer chances of grinding. The balance between the units is wider and using specific units on the long run can be incredibly detrimental (I love you Odin but my god you suck as a unit).

In the regard the maps are interesting though: all of them present specific gimmicks that will put your strategies to the test, with unique environments and honestly really solid level design (the best in the Fates trilogy for me). That makes it the most replayable of the three, as the gameplay loops shared by the other 3DS titles makes it for an enjoyable time...... if you skip the cutscenes.

Fates is renowed for the missed potential of its story, but in all honestly I feel Conquest gives anough interesting stuff with its writing to justify the more cringy moments of the narrative: it makes for a more interesting premise on paper (working for your crazy dada while planning to spit the least possible bloodshed), it has a bit more tension and what it does with characters like Takumi is really cool.
But yeah you got to ignore a lot of weird decisions and a scripts that needed to be rewritten more than once.

The story of Fates is its worst aspect for sure and this will hurt a lot of people's enjoyment. But I feel at least Conquest got the slightly more interesting end of the script and the level design at least turns it into a decent time.... still not the best the series has to offer sadly, but I can't say I didn't have fun with this one.