21 reviews liked by Banan

La meilleure mise en scène que j'ai vu dans un JV, des cinématiques grandioses, un univers avec une DA de bz, le scénario fait rêver mais tout est dans le dernier quart du jeu, le rythme est pas forcément excellent, pareil pour le gameplay qui reste assez frustrant par moment J'ai pas spécialement été gêné par l'aspect "quête fedex" qu'on nous a vendu à la sortie, j'ai trouvé ça assez amusant les péripéties à chaque mission mais parfois la physique fait des siennes et ça devient frustrant
Une BO de malade dommage qu'on ne puisse pas l'écouter librement pendant les balades
Les séquences de gameplay TPS pour certains boss sont pas folles même si finalement l'ambiance et la DA rendent ça plutôt sympa
Je conseille fortement mais faut pas être pressé pour comprendre l'histoire parce que tout est chargé dans les 6 7 dernières heures de jeu et ne pas être gêné par la solitude parce que y'a vraiment aucun PNJ personne vous êtes seuls pendant 90% du jeu

C'était 5* si le ng+ n'était pas payant et que l'endgame n'était pas aussi nul à chier

Le plus grand hommage pour Kiryu qu'on aurait pu espérer, les nouveaux personnages sont très sympas, le scénario n'est pas le meilleur (surtout comparé à celui du 7) mais ça va, le gameplay est bien bien meilleur et la plupart des jobs sont intéressants, y'a des combinaisons à creuser avec l'héritage d'aptitudes etc..
Hawaii est quand même bien sympathique ça fait plaisir de sortir des villes qu'on connaissait par cœur, même si la technique commence à être à la ramasse faut changer de moteur :warning: :warning:
Un des meilleurs jeux de la saga niveau contenu voire le meilleur, Dondoko est leur meilleur mini jeu et je pense pas qu'ils feront mieux

Très très grand hommage à la série des Yakuzas, je conseille fortement d'avoir fait tous les précédents pour un maximum d'émotions

P3 being one of my favorite games of all time, my expectations were extremely high.. and.. well.. i'm speechless.

Persona 3 is unique. The story is fantastic, going through several phases, leading the characters to ups and downs, but above all very human reactions, leading to arguments and disagreements.
They're not all powerful, and they're not fearless; just teenagers facing a destiny they never asked for.
Reload is really good for readapting such a beautiful story.

The game is wonderfully beautiful, the graphics are mind-blowing and the UI design never failed us, as atlus never disappoints.
The new additions are really cool, like the boy's social events, the study sessions for the exam or the nighttime activities at the dorm.
Some notable scenes are more inspired by the film versions than the original game, which i find really great (cause a lot of them are way better) and that will make you really emotional.

For the battle, the gameplay is... STUNNING
I didn't even know it was possible for a turn based RPG to have fights so enjoyable and satisfying. It will make you want to do 72hours of tartartus straight, which is also amazing : the redesign of tartarus is gorgeous, and the exploration side which could seem a little repetitive has disappeared.
The additions of theurgy and redesign of all-out-attack are also fantastic, making the fights way more lively.

The soundtrack which was already a classic is still kicking. I was skeptical with the leave of Yumi Kawamura, but Azumi Takahashi did a great job anyway (even if some soundtracks lack a little punch compared to the old ones). Lotus Juice are still just as good after all this time.

Basically, my expectations were high, but Reload met them.
Despite everything, Reload changes a few elements, whether it's the way certain dialogues turn out, or its atmosphere can be too colorful, and I think that it is nevertheless impossible to reproduce the very essence of the original.
But anyway i think it's a great way today to discover the magnificence of Persona 3 and its SEES, which for me is one of the best protagonist groups in a video game.

In general the game is pretty intresting the fact that you have to make many run to discover new possibilites is really cool but the main issue is the true ending which is disapointing. If you like that kind of game do it but you might be disgusted at the end

I played it after doing Danganronpa so I was a bit skeptic but the game for the First of a Trilogy is pretty good overall you can attached yourself to the main character easily and the story will surprise you

This game is such a masterpiece there is nothing to say you have to do it to understand

My first visual novel, decent 1st game for a trilogy. Trials are intresting mechanic and the story is linear but have some twist which are pretty cool

I mean how people can not like this game the narrative is so insane until the end you really don't understand what happen and have so much questioning about what happen during the game

if you like fate and breaking things that's good because theres nothing else lol

For a first nasu experience, it was really something

This game is really good in a lot of points ; its dark atmosphere, the characters that will make you doubt and question everything. and also ARCUEID.
The CG are mostly wonderful, reinforced with a masterpiece soundtrack, which give atmosphere to many scenes, dialogues and combat.

still this game and it's characters absolutely terrified me
and some awful scenes still haven't managed to get out of my mind.

so go on and play it arcueid's waiting